首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Terraform 变量中使用 JSON 格式的字符串


我正在使用 Terraform 版本 0.14.15 上的 for_each 方法创建一些资源。该资源有一个属性 input_parameters,它将 JSON 格式的字符串作为其值。我正在使用单独的对象在地图变量中定义这个值。我指定为 JSON 格式的字符串的值,执行时出现错误,我需要声明一个字符串。有关修复此错误的任何见解都会有所帮助。以下是我声明资源和变量的方式。


resource "aws_config_config_rule" "managed_rules" {
  for_each         = var.managed_rules
  name             = each.value.name
  description      = each.value.description
  input_parameters = each.value.input_parameters

  source {
    owner             = each.value.owner
    source_identifier = each.value.source_identifier

  depends_on = [aws_config_configuration_recorder.config_recorder]


variable "managed_rules" {
  type = map(object({
    name              = string
    description       = string
    owner             = string
    source_identifier = string
# Is there a variable for strings in JSON format?
    input_parameters  = string
  default = {
    "1" = {
      name              = "alb-http-to-https-redirection-check"
      description       = "Checks whether HTTP to HTTPS redirection is configured on all HTTP listeners of Application Load Balancers. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if one or more HTTP listeners of Application Load Balancer do not have HTTP to HTTPS redirection configured."
      owner             = "AWS"
      source_identifier = "ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK"
      input_parameters = {
        "MaximumExecutionFrequency" : "TwentyFour_Hours",


This default value is not compatible with the variable's type constraint:
element "2": attribute "input_parameters": string required.

使用 jsonencode 函数更新代码并将 input_parameters 更改为 any 后,出现以下错误:

    This default value is not compatible with the variable's type constraint:
collection elements cannot be unified.

标签: jsonstringamazon-web-servicesterraformconfig



  1. 资源需要input_parameters是 JSON 编码的字符串
  2. 您将变量类型作为字符串
  3. 您将对象类型传递给仅接受字符串类型的变量

所以(2)和(3)是矛盾的。在某些时候,您必须将对象转换为 JSON 字符串。您可以在将其作为输入变量传递之前执行此操作,也可以将输入变量更改为接受对象,并在将对象提供给资源时将其转换为 JSON。


resource "aws_config_config_rule" "managed_rules" {
  for_each         = var.managed_rules
  name             = each.value.name
  description      = each.value.description
  input_parameters = jsonencode(each.value.input_parameters)

  source {
    owner             = each.value.owner
    source_identifier = each.value.source_identifier

  depends_on = [aws_config_configuration_recorder.config_recorder]

variable "managed_rules" {
  type = map(object({
    name              = string
    description       = string
    owner             = string
    source_identifier = string
# Is there a variable for strings in JSON format?
    input_parameters  = any
  default = {
    "1" = {
      name              = "alb-http-to-https-redirection-check"
      description       = "Checks whether HTTP to HTTPS redirection is configured on all HTTP listeners of Application Load Balancers. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if one or more HTTP listeners of Application Load Balancer do not have HTTP to HTTPS redirection configured."
      owner             = "AWS"
      source_identifier = "ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK"
      input_parameters = {
        "MaximumExecutionFrequency" : "TwentyFour_Hours",

