首页 > 解决方案 > Typescript - 从数组项的通用类型创建组合类型


给定一个用泛型类型实现特定类的项数组,我想从数组项中创建组合类型 - 对于每个项,取其泛型(例如定义为第一个泛型参数)并创建一个实现所有项目的通用值。


// Defining 2 types with different set of methods
type ObjectWithMethods1 = {
  call1(a: string): void;

type ObjectWithMethods2 = {
  call2(): number;

class BaseItem<T> {

// Defining 2 classes that both extends the same class/abstract class,
// each passing a different generic value.
class Item1 implements BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods1> {
class Item2 implements BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods2> {

// An array that contains instances of the same base class, however each of its items
// used a different type in the BaseItem generics  
const arr: BaseItem<any>[] = [new Item1(), new Item2()]

// How to define the typing of a "getCombinedObject" method that its return type will be an object 
// that implements both ObjectWithMethods1 and ObjectWithMethods2,
// e.g. ObjectWithMethods1 & ObjectWithMethods2
const combined = getCombinedObject(arr);
combined.call1('test'); //void
combined.call2(); //number



type CombinedObject<TArray extends TItem[], TItem extends Record<string, any>> = {
  [key: string]: {
    [Index in keyof TArray]: TArray[Index] extends { [key]: any } ? TArray[Index][key] : never;


标签: javascripttypescripttypescript-generics



// Defining 2 types with different set of methods
type ObjectWithMethods1 = {
    call1: (a: string) => void;

type ObjectWithMethods2 = {
    call2: () => number;

class BaseItem<T> {
     * We need to make this class unique
    tag = 'base'

 * It is important to extend and implement
class Item1 extends BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods1> implements ObjectWithMethods1 {
    call1 = (a: string) => 'str'

 * It is important to extend and implement
class Item2 extends BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods2> implements ObjectWithMethods2 {
    call2 = () => 42;

class Item3 { }

// credits goes to https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (
    k: infer I
) => void
    ? I
    : never;

 * Elem extends BaseItem<any> - makes sure that each instance extends BaseItem
 * UnionToIntersection - will merge all instances into one
function getCombinedObject<Elem extends BaseItem<any>, Arr extends Elem[]>(arr: [...Arr]): UnionToIntersection<[...Arr][number]>
function getCombinedObject<Elem extends BaseItem<any>, Arr extends Elem[]>(arr: [...Arr]) {
    return arr.reduce((acc, elem) => ({ ...acc, ...elem }), {})

const combined = getCombinedObject([new Item1(), new Item2()]);
combined.call1('test'); // string
combined.call2(); // number


PS 避免声明双变量方法:

type ObjectWithMethods1 = {
  call1(a: string): void;




class BaseItem<T>{ }

interface ObjectWithMethods1 {
    call1(a: string): void;
class Item1 implements BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods1> { }


TS 无法区分BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods1>BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods2>


declare var x: BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods1>
declare var y: BaseItem<ObjectWithMethods2>
x = y // ok
y = x // ok

因此,从 TS 的角度来看,这些类型是相等的。
