首页 > 解决方案 > ListView.builder 的奇怪行为及其索引


我正在使用ListView.builder与 StreamBuilder 一起从 Firebase 获取用户消息。我已经为聊天的日期分隔实现了自己的登录。通过它我在聊天之间生成自定义日期消息,以便不同日期的聊天有明确的分隔。但奇怪的是我来到了列表视图的这种行为:

我想这是因为 Listview 重用了小部件,并且我在代码中使用了基于索引的逻辑来生成日期消息。如果无法解决此问题,请向我建议另一种显示日期和单独聊天(如 whatsapp)的方法


          stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance
                descending: true,
              ) //by default it is in accending order.
              .snapshots(), //with ordering by timestamps!
          builder: (ctx, chatSnapshot) {
            if (chatSnapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
              return Center(
                child: AdaptiveCircularProgressIndicator(),
            final chatDocs = chatSnapshot.data.docs;
            // print('CHATS_DATA : ${chatDocs.data()}');
            for (int i = 0; i < chatDocs.length; i++) {
                  'data for index : $i\n\t on ${getDateStr(chatDocs[i].data()['createdAt'])} ${chatDocs[i].data()['username']} : ${chatDocs[i].data()['text']}');
            return ListView.builder(
              // addSemanticIndexes: false,
              // addAutomaticKeepAlives: false,
              // addRepaintBoundaries: false,
              // cacheExtent: 10,
              reverse: true,
              itemBuilder: (ctx, index) {
                var putMessage;
                bool putDate = false;
                String currentDate;
                var nextDate;
                if (index == 0) {
                  datesMessage = getDateStr(chatDocs[index].data()['createdAt']);
                  currentDate = datesMessage;
                } else {
                  currentDate = getDateStr(chatDocs[index].data()['createdAt']);
                if (index != chatDocs.length - 1)
                  nextDate = getDateStr(chatDocs[index + 1].data()['createdAt']);
                // print('for $index : $datesMessage $currentDate');
                bool loadNew = (index == chatDocs.length - 1) ||
                    (index != chatDocs.length - 1 &&
                        chatDocs[index + 1].data()['userId'] !=
                            chatDocs[index].data()['userId']) ||
                    (currentDate != nextDate);
                if (index != 0 && datesMessage != currentDate) {
                  putMessage = datesMessage;
                  datesMessage = currentDate;
                  putDate = true;
                  print('date changed.');
                } else {
                  putDate = false;
                return Column(
                  children: [
                    // if (index == chatDocs.length - 1) Text(currentDate),
                    if (loadNew)
                        height: 15,
                      loadNew ? true : false,
                      chatDocs[index].data()['userImage'] ?? _defaultProfileImage,
                      chatDocs[index].data()['userId'] ==
                          user.uid, //checks wheather the message is mine or the other user.
                      key: ValueKey(
                            .id, //this will ensure that flutter will efficiently re render the UI !
                    if (putDate)
                        margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 15),
                        padding: EdgeInsets.all(5),
                        child: Text(
                          style: TextStyle(
                            color: Colors.white,
                        decoration: BoxDecoration(
                          color: Colors.blueGrey,
                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
              itemCount: chatDocs.length,

[查看日期消息,它正在从 7 月 21 日更改为 7 月 19 日!]

<a href="/link/to/site">
  <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/C2EcGHt68LEW0QAqJP/giphy.gif" />

这是完整的 GIF:

这是我从 Firebase 获取的数据如果有人需要:

I/flutter (14440): data for index : 0
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Kamini : Wow
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 1
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Kamini : Hi 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 2
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Aayush : Hiiii
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 3
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Aayush : Hello
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 4
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Aayush : 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 5
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Aayush : Hellooooo 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 6
I/flutter (14440):   on July 21, 2021 Kamini : Hi there 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 7
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Sorry to bother you 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 8
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Okay, I understand that.
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 9
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Do you mind confirming your billing address for me?
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 10
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : Thanks so much for being patient! We’ll be with you soon.
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 11
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Yup  
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 12
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : Did you get it?
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 13
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : Welcome
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 14
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Yeah, Perfect
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 15
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : Got it?
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 16
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : something like this...
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 17
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : I appreciate you explaining that to me. I’m going to connect you to our AayushTheApple team. I’ll let them know what you’re reaching out about. 
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 18
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : I can see why you’d want that! I’m sorry, but it’s not something that we currently offer right now.
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 19
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : I hear you. I’m sorry that you’re still having trouble with this. I’m going to talk to my team to see what else we can do here.
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 20
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Aayush : Nobody is perfect. There will come a time where every single customer service representative has to apologize. Apologies are more valuable than credits or discounts. They’re an essential tool in your team’s toolkits.
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 21
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Do you mind if we start a co-browsing session so I can help you with this process?
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 22
I/flutter (14440):   on July 19, 2021 Harshal : Sure, why not?
I/flutter (14440): data for index : 23
I/flutter (14440):   on July 17, 2021 Aayush : I think it might be easier if we could co-browse to address your issue. We’ll need to access your screen. Is that alright?

标签: flutterdartlistview



下面的逻辑可能有点令人困惑,但我已尽力描述它:) 请阅读代码中的注释。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';

class Message {
  final DateTime dateSent;
  final String text;

    required this.dateSent,
    required this.text,

class SomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  final separatorDateFormatter =
      DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy'); // Date Formatter for the separator

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // We will generate some data to work with as an example
    final messages = <Message>[];
    // Generate 10 days
    for (var day = 1; day < 11; day++) {
      final time = DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days: day));
      // With 3 messages for each day
      for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
        final messageTime = time.subtract(Duration(hours: i));
          dateSent: messageTime,
          text: 'Day $day, Message #$i, Time $messageTime',

    return Scaffold(
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey[400],
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('ListView.separated'),
      body: ListView.separated(
        // We add +1 to the actual list size so that we can build the very first separator (conversation start date)
        itemCount: messages.length + (messages.isNotEmpty ? 1 : 0),
        // Your message widget here
        itemBuilder: (context, index) {
          if (index == 0) {
            final firstMessage = messages.first;
            return _buildDateSeparator(firstMessage.dateSent);
          final message = messages.elementAt(index - 1);
          return _messageWidget(message);
        // This is the place to build the date separator
        separatorBuilder: (context, index) {
          // If index is 0, the return nothing (since we have added +1 to the count above)
          if (index == 0) return SizedBox();

          // We take current Message from the list (as usual, -1 because of increased length above)
          final currentMessage = messages.elementAt(index - 1);

          // We get the next message from the list
          // No need to check if the message might be null, since **separatorBuilder()** will not be called after the last entry of the list
          final nextMessage = messages.elementAt(index);

          // Compare it's date to the current one
          if (!_isSameDate(currentMessage, nextMessage)) {
            // Return date separator if the date doesn't match
            return _buildDateSeparator(nextMessage.dateSent);

          // Return nothing otherwise
          return SizedBox();

  // The function that compares the date between two messages
  // This code can be exported to some helper class or refactored in to an Extension for DateTime class
  bool _isSameDate(Message message1, Message message2) =>
      message1.dateSent.year == message2.dateSent.year &&
      message1.dateSent.month == message2.dateSent.month &&
      message1.dateSent.day == message2.dateSent.day;

  Widget _messageWidget(Message message) => Container(
        height: 40.0,
        color: Colors.grey,
        margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
          vertical: 5.0,
        child: Center(
          child: Text(message.text),

  Widget _buildDateSeparator(DateTime date) => Container(
        child: Center(
          child: Text(separatorDateFormatter.format(date)),

另请注意,ListView.separated()不会在 List 的第一项之前和最后一项之后(仅在项目之间)调用separatorBuilder( )。因此,为了显示初始日期分隔符(对话开始日期),当我们想要选择当前列表条目时,我们必须将itemCount增加 1 并将索引减少 1。
