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我必须编写使用邻接表来表示图形的代码。我尝试将我的代码设置为使用 std::list 但现在这给了我错误说 Error C2679 binary '=': no operator found which take a right-hand operand of type 'int' (或者没有可接受的转换)在我的代码的多行上。我对如何让我的代码使用邻接列表而没有所有这些问题感到困惑。

#include "GraphInterface.h"
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#ifndef GRAPH_TWO
#define GRAPH_TWO

template<class LabelType>
class GraphTwo : public GraphInterface<LabelType>
    // Define maximum number of nodes
    static const int size = 10;
    std::list <int> adj[size][size];


    // Get the number of vertices
    int getNumVertices() const;

    // Get the number of the edges
    int getNumEdges() const;

    // Creates an undirected edge in this graph between two vertices
    // that have the given labels.If such vertices do not exist, creates
    // themand adds them to the graph before creating the edge
    bool add(LabelType start, LabelType end, int edgeWeight);

    // Removes an edge from this graph. If a vertex has no other edges,
    // it is removed from the graph since this is a connected graph.
    bool remove(LabelType start, LabelType end);

    // Gets the weight of an edge in this graph.
    int getEdgeWeight(LabelType start, LabelType end) const;

    // Performs a depth - first search of this graph beginning at the given
    // vertex and calls a given function once for each vertex visited.
    void depthFirstTraversal(LabelType start, void visit(LabelType&));

    // Performs a breadth - first search of this graph beginning at the given
    // vertex and calls a given function once for each vertex visited.
    void breadthFirstTraversal(LabelType start, void visit(LabelType&));

template<class LabelType>

template<class LabelType>
int GraphTwo<LabelType>::getNumVertices() const
    return size;

template<class LabelType>
int GraphTwo<LabelType>::getNumEdges() const
    int edgeCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
            if (adj[i][j] != 0)

    return edgeCount / 2;

template<class LabelType>
bool GraphTwo<LabelType>::add(LabelType start, LabelType end, int edgeWeight)
    adj[start][end] = edgeWeight; //error here 
    adj[end][start] = edgeWeight; //error here
    return true;

template<class LabelType>
bool GraphTwo<LabelType>::remove(LabelType start, LabelType end)
    adj[start][end] = 0; // error here
    adj[end][start] = 0; // error here
    return true;

template<class LabelType>
int GraphTwo<LabelType>::getEdgeWeight(LabelType start, LabelType end) const
    return adj[start][end];

template<class LabelType>
void GraphTwo<LabelType>::depthFirstTraversal(LabelType start, void visit(LabelType&))
    // Visit the current node

    // Mark the current node as visited
    visited[start] = true;

    // For all other nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        if (adj[start][i] != 0 && (!visited[i]))
            depthFirstTraversal(i, visit);

template<class LabelType>
void GraphTwo<LabelType>::breadthFirstTraversal(LabelType start, void visit(LabelType&))
    // Vector that contains the adjacent nodes
    std::vector<LabelType> alist;

    // Mark current node as visited
    visited[start] = true; // error here

    int check;
    while (!alist.empty()) {
        check = alist[0];

        // Print node

        // Every vertex adjacent
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            if (adj[check][i] != 0 && (!visited[i])) {
                // Add node to the queue

                // Mark next node as visited
                visited[i] = true; // error here
    // Reset visited as all false
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        visited[i] = false; // error here


标签: c++


std::list <int> adj[size][size];


这使得adj[start][end]有类型std::list<int>。这同样适用于您的所有列表。去找一个关于如何使用的好文档,std::list不要试图猜测C++ 语法,学习它。
