首页 > 解决方案 > 根据屏幕尺寸在屏幕上对齐文本的最佳方式




const canvas = document.getElementById('game');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => {
    canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.font = "30px Arial";
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,.6)";

// Constants in objects doesnt work cause objects passing as reference and will by modified!
// If you want constant constant, use primitives
const SPACESHIP_SIZE = { width: 15, height: 25 };
const SPACESHIP_POSITION = { x: window.innerWidth/2, y: window.innerHeight/2};
const GRAVITY = 1;
const HOVER_TICKS = 20;
//Update thrust constant
const THRUST = 15;

const Systems = {
    'main': {
            {x: window.innerWidth/8, y: window.innerHeight/3, size: 40, dest: 'Education'},
            {x: window.innerWidth/8, y: window.innerHeight/1.15, size: 40, dest: 'Technical Skills'},
            {x: window.innerWidth/2, y: window.innerHeight/3, size: 40, dest: 'Experience1'},
            {x: window.innerWidth/2, y: window.innerHeight/1.15, size: 40, dest: 'Experience2'},
            {x: window.innerWidth/1.1, y: window.innerHeight/3, size: 40, dest: 'Contact Me'},
    'Education': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},
    'Technical Skills': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},
    'Experience1': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},
    'Experience2': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},

    'Personal Projects': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},
    'Contact Me': {holes:[{x: window.innerWidth-100, y: window.innerHeight-100, size: 40, dest: 'main'}]},

let spaceShip;
let currentSystem = 'main';
const spaceObjects = [];

class SpaceObject {
    constructor(size, position, color = 'black', angle = 0) {
        this.color = color;
        this.size = size;
        this.position = position;
        this.angle = angle;
    tick() {
    update() {}
    draw() {}
    isAbove({x, y}) {
        return Math.abs(this.position.x - x) < this.size && Math.abs(this.position.y - y) < this.size;
    destroy() {
        spaceObjects.splice(spaceObjects.indexOf(this), 1);

class SpaceShip extends SpaceObject {
    constructor(size, position) {
        super(size, position, 'yellow');
        this.aboveHole = 0;
        this.engineOn = false;
        this.rotatingLeft = false;
        this.rotatingRight = false;
        this.velocity = {x: 0, y: 0};

    draw() {
        const triangleCenterX = this.position.x + 0.5 * this.size.width;
        const triangleCenterY = this.position.y + 0.5 * this.size.height;
        ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
        ctx.translate(triangleCenterX, triangleCenterY);
        ctx.lineWidth = 5;
        // Triangle
        ctx.moveTo(0, -this.size.height / 2);
        ctx.lineTo(-this.size.width / 2, this.size.height / 2);
        ctx.lineTo(this.size.width / 2, this.size.height / 2);

        ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;

        ctx.fillStyle = "red";

        // Flame for engine
        if (this.engineOn) {
            const fireYPos = this.size.height / 2 + 4;
            const fireXPos = this.size.width * 0.25;
            ctx.moveTo(-fireXPos, fireYPos);
            ctx.lineTo(fireXPos, fireYPos);
            ctx.lineTo(0, fireYPos + Math.random() * 100);
            ctx.lineTo(-fireXPos, fireYPos);
            ctx.fillStyle = 'orange';

    update() {

    moveSpaceShip() {
        // Angle has to be in radians
        const degToRad = Math.PI / 180;
        // Change the position based on velocity
        this.position.x += this.velocity.x;
        this.position.y += this.velocity.y;
        // Move spaceship to other side when leaving screen
        this.position.x = (canvas.width + this.position.x) % canvas.width;
        this.position.y = (canvas.height + this.position.y) % canvas.height;
         Adding floating point numbers to the end of the
         rotaion handling to make roation faster
        if (this.rotatingLeft) this.angle -= (degToRad+.15);
        if (this.rotatingRight) this.angle += (degToRad+.15);

        // Acceleration
        if (this.engineOn) {
            this.velocity.x += (THRUST / 100) * Math.sin(this.angle);
            this.velocity.y -= (THRUST / 100) * Math.cos(this.angle);
        // Update the velocity depending on gravity
        this.velocity.y += GRAVITY / 2500;

    checkAboveHole() {
        const hole = spaceObjects.find(spaceObject => spaceObject !== this && spaceObject.isAbove(this.position));
        if(hole) {
            if(this.aboveHole > HOVER_TICKS) {
                confirm(`Jump to system ${hole.dest}?`) && jump(hole);
                this.aboveHole = 0;
        } else {
            this.aboveHole = 0;

const circle = (ctx, x, y, radius, color = 'white') => {
    ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
    ctx.fillStyle = color;

class BlackHole extends SpaceObject {
    constructor(size, position, dest) {
        super(size, position);
        this.dest = dest;
    update() {
        // Spin?
    draw() {
        // Shadow
        ctx.shadowBlur = this.size >>> 2;
        circle(ctx, this.position.x, this.position.y, this.size + 1, `rgba(255, 255, 255, .6)`);
        // Hole
        circle(ctx, this.position.x, this.position.y, this.size, this.color);
        // Spinning view
        circle(ctx, this.position.x + (this.size * Math.sin(this.angle) - 1), this.position.y + (this.size * Math.cos(this.angle) - 1), 2, 'gray');
        circle(ctx, this.position.x - (this.size * Math.sin(this.angle) - 1), this.position.y - (this.size * Math.cos(this.angle) - 1), 2, 'gray');

function handleKeyInput(event) {
    const { keyCode, type } = event;
    const isKeyDown = type === 'keydown' ? true : false;

    if (keyCode === 37) spaceShip.rotatingLeft = isKeyDown;
    if (keyCode === 39) spaceShip.rotatingRight = isKeyDown;
    if (keyCode === 38) spaceShip.engineOn = isKeyDown;

function jump({dest}) {
    currentSystem = dest || 'main';
    while(spaceObjects.length) spaceObjects[0].destroy();
    Systems[currentSystem].holes.forEach(hole => new BlackHole(hole.size, {x: hole.x, y: hole.y}, hole.dest));
    spaceShip = new SpaceShip(SPACESHIP_SIZE, SPACESHIP_POSITION);

function draw() {
    // Clear screen
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 10, 60)';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(150, 150, 150)';
    ctx.fillText(`--> You are in ${currentSystem}`, window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), window.innerHeight-(window.innerHeight/1.05));
    ctx.fillText(`--> Use the arrow keys to guide the rocket into different portals`, window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-426), window.innerHeight-(window.innerHeight/1.08));
    ctx.fillText(`--> Refresh the page if you resize your window`, window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-312), window.innerHeight-(window.innerHeight/1.11));
    //Adding section/system text information
        ctx.font ='bolder 20px Courier New'
        ctx.fillText('Education Portal', window.innerWidth/9, window.innerHeight/4);
        ctx.fillText('Technical Skills Portal', window.innerWidth/9.2, window.innerHeight/1.27);
        ctx.fillText('Experience Portal', window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/4);
        ctx.fillText('Experience Portal', window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/1.27);
        ctx.fillText('Contact Me', window.innerWidth/1.25, window.innerHeight/4);


        ctx.font ='bolder 20px Courier New';
        ctx.textAlign = "center";
        ctx.fillText('Education Portal', Systems['main'].holes[0].x, Systems['main'].holes[0].y - 50);
        ctx.fillText('Technical Skills Portal', Systems['main'].holes[1].x, Systems['main'].holes[1].y - 50);
        ctx.fillText('Experience Portal', Systems['main'].holes[2].x, Systems['main'].holes[2].y - 50);
        ctx.fillText('Experience Portal', Systems['main'].holes[3].x, Systems['main'].holes[3].y - 50);
        ctx.fillText('Contact Me', Systems['main'].holes[4].x, Systems['main'].holes[4].y - 50);

        ctx.font = 'italic 20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Binghamton University, State University of New York, ', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 150);
        ctx.fillText('Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 170);
        ctx.fillText('Bachelor of Science in Computer Science', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 190);
        ctx.font = '20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Overall GPA: 3.92', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 210);
        ctx.fillText('Major GPA: 4.0', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 230);

        ctx.fillText('Relevant Coursework: Programming and Hardware Fundamentals,', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 270);
        ctx.fillText('Professional Skills, Ethics, and CS Trends,', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 290)
        ctx.fillText('Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming with Objects and Data Structures,', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 310);
        ctx.fillText('Architecture from a Programmer Perspective (By Fall 2021)', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 330);

        //High School
        ctx.font = 'italic 20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Islip High School', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 430);
        ctx.fillText('STEM Academy Honors', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 450);
        ctx.font = '20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Overall GPA: 100.77, Top 5% of class', window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth-150), 470);

        ctx.fillText('Return', Systems['Education'].holes[0].x, Systems['Education'].holes[0].y-50);


    if(currentSystem=='Technical Skills'){
        ctx.font = '20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Languages: Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++',50 , 150);
        ctx.fillText('Software and OS: VS Code, Eclipse, Sublime Text, Git, Logisim, Anaconda,',50 , 190);
        ctx.fillText('Spyder, Microsoft Office, Linux, MacOS',50 , 210);
        ctx.fillText('Additional: Familiar with MySQL, Arduino',50 , 250);

        ctx.fillText('Return', window.innerWidth-135 , window.innerHeight-155);

        ctx.font = '20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Binghamton University Rover Team, Software Engineer | Binghamton, NY',50 , 150);
        ctx.fillText('October 2020 - Prestent',50 , 170);
        ctx.fillText('-->Designed networks and code bases using C++ to maximize the efficiency',50 , 190);
        ctx.fillText('   and performance of a model mars rover for The Mars Society University',50 , 210);
        ctx.fillText('   Rover Challenge which takes place yearly', 50, 230);
        ctx.fillText('-->Built a custom username/password page by interfacing Google Firebase', 50, 250);
        ctx.fillText('   with a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript page which allowed for user', 50, 270);     
        ctx.fillText('   authentication, permitting members of the team to view classified documents', 50, 290);
        ctx.fillText('-->Prepared rover data by implementing Python script from scratch', 50, 310);
        ctx.fillText('   using Matplotlib and NumPy which led to data visualization to be analyzed', 50, 330);

        ctx.fillText('-->Constructed the GUI for the base station computer in C++ so', 50, 350);
        ctx.fillText('   that all the components of the rover could be viewed in the most effective way', 50, 370);

        ctx.fillText('JPMorgan Chase, Software Engineering Virtual Experience Program | Remote Role',50 , 460);
        ctx.fillText('July 2020 - September 2020',50 , 480);
        ctx.fillText('-->Modified an interface with a stock price data feed using Python 3 so that the system/data could be analyzed',50 , 500);
        ctx.fillText('-->Implemented the perspective open-source code in preparation for data visualization',50 , 520);
        ctx.fillText('-->Received certificate of completion by end of program',50 , 540);

        ctx.fillText('Return', window.innerWidth-135 , window.innerHeight-155);

        ctx.font = '20px Courier New';
        ctx.fillText('Google CSSI, Coursera, Software Engineering Student | Remote Role',50 , 150);
        ctx.fillText('June 2020 - August 2020', 50, 170);
        ctx.fillText('-->Selected to take part in an invite-only Google Tech Student Development program', 50, 190);
        ctx.fillText('-->Developed/designed personal web pages through CodePen using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript', 50, 210);
        ctx.fillText('-->Reviewed, designed, and implemented a green screen algorithm in JavaScript', 50, 230);
        ctx.fillText(' to transform images on our developed web pages', 50, 250);
        ctx.fillText('-->Learned to hide data in images through the use of steganography', 50, 270);
        ctx.fillText('-->Received certificate of completion by end of program', 50, 290);

        ctx.fillText('Return', window.innerWidth-135 , window.innerHeight-155);

    if(currentSystem=='Contact Me'){
        ctx.fillText('Contact Me',50 , 450);
        ctx.fillText('Return', window.innerWidth-135 , window.innerHeight-155);    

    //Loading small stars
    ctx.shadowBlur = 1;
    for (var i = 1, j = 1; j<canvas.height; i+=100, i > canvas.width && (i=1, j+=100), circle(ctx, i, j, 1));

    //loading medium stars
    ctx.shadowBlur = 2;
    for (var i = 1, j = 1; j<canvas.height; i+=150, i > canvas.width && (i=1, j+=150), circle(ctx, i, j, 2));

    //loading larger stars
    ctx.shadowBlur = 3;
    for (var i = 1, j = 1; j<canvas.height; i+=225, i > canvas.width && (i=1, j+=225), circle(ctx, i, j, 3));

    // tick all objects
    spaceObjects.forEach(spaceObject => spaceObject.tick());

    // Repeats

// Event Listeners
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyInput);
document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyInput);
// Start the game
jump({dest: 'main'});


标签: javascripthtmlcanvashtml5-canvas

