首页 > 解决方案 > 哪个是使用 PHP (8) 检查用户在 Ussd 程序中选择的选项的更好方法


我正在使用非洲跟踪测试环境在 PHP(版本 8)中构建一个简单的基于 USSD 的支付网关



     public function handleSession(Request $request)
       // We split the response(text) to an array
      // It helps us to check which option the current user selects
       $level = explode("*", $text);
        // Initially, the response is an empty string
       if ( $text == "" ) {
         // We send our ussd menu
           $response = $this->welcomeInterface();
       // If user selects the first option from the menu (first level menu)
       if(isset($level[0]) && $level[0] == 1 && !isset($level[1]))
           $response = $this->buyerOptionsInterface();
        // If user select the second option from the menu
       if(isset($level[0]) && $level[0] == 2 && !isset($level[1]))
           $response = $this->sellerOptionsInterface();
      // If user select the third option from the menu (last option)
       if(isset($level[0]) && $level[0] == 3  && !isset($level[1]))
           $response= $this->termsAndConditionsInterface();

       // If user selects the first option from our first level menu, and first option of second level menu 
       if(isset($level[0]) && $level[0] == 1 && isset($level[1]) && $level[1] == 1 && !isset($level[2])) {
           $response = $this->insertSellerPhoneNumber();

      // If user select the first option of first level menu,and first option of second level menu and first option of third level menu
       if(isset($level[0]) && $level[0] == 1 && isset($level[1]) && $level[1] == 1 && isset($level[2]) && $level[2] == 1 && !isset($level[3])) {
         $response = $this->insertPrice();

           header('Content-type: text/plain');
           echo $response;


哪个是重构上述代码的更好方法,框架是 Laravel (Version 8)

标签: php

