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Dairy_goods = {1:{'item':'Milk','p':2.47,'g':0.16,'offer':'Yes'},



choose=int(input('1.Item= Milk, Price= $2.47, GST= $0.16, Offer=Yes\n'
                 '2.item= Butter, Price= $4.50, GST= $0.32, Offer=No\n'
                 '3.Item= Egg, Price= $4.50, GST= $0.32, Ofer=No\n'
                 'Enter your option: '))
qnty=int(input('How many do you want?: '))
shopping_basket[Dairy_goods[choose]['item']] = shopping_basket.get(Dairy_goods[choose]['item'], 0) + qnty,Dairy_goods[choose]['p'],Dairy_goods[choose]['g'],Dairy_goods[choose]['offer']


{'Milk': (2, 2.47, 0.16, 'Yes')}


        for item in shopping_basket:
        item = str(input('key in an item to edit: '))
        for item in shopping_basket:
            qnty = int(input('Key in the quantity of %s you want: ' % item))
            shopping[item][0] = qnty # i would get a error here.


标签: python


There are a few things off in your code in terms of data structures. First, a dictionary with incrementing keys {1: ..., 2: ..., ...} is basically the same as a list, so you can just as well use the simpler data structure and select items by indexing. The only thing to note here is that list indices start at 0, so you need to subtract 1 from your user's choice.

Dairy_goods = [{'item':'Milk','p':2.47,'g':0.16,'offer':'Yes'},

choose = int(input('1.Item = ... ')) - 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-indexing
qnty = int(input('How many do you want?: '))

Next up, there is a lot going on in the line shopping_basket[Dairy_goods[choose]['item']] = ..., which makes it hard to work with. In my comment, I suggested to go for dictionaries to store the items in the shopping basket to make them easier to modify. The new format of the basket would look like

# shopping_basket
{'Milk':{'item':'Milk','p':2.47,'g':0.16,'offer':'Yes', 'qnty':1}}

which is a bit redundant because of the double item name (as key and within values), which is normally considered a bad thing, but in this case it allows for a much easier access to the shopping cart items.

However, it's actually sufficient to store only the quantities in the shopping basket - {'Milk':1, 'Egg':2, ...} - because all the other information is in Dairy_goods.

selection = Dairy_goods[choose] # e.g., {'item':'Milk','p':2.47,'g':0.16,'offer':'Yes'}
item = selection['item'] # e.g., 'Milk'

shopping_basket[item] = shopping_basket.get(item, 0) + qnty

# optional: delete item if the quantity is <= 0
if shopping_basket[item]['qnty'] <= 0:

Then, the edit part becomes:

item = input('key in an item to edit: ') # e.g., 'Milk'
qnty = int(input(f'Key in the quantity of {item} you want: ')) # did you hear about f-strings? Super useful!
shopping_basket[item] = qnty # set the new quantity
