首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在变量为假时连续添加点并显示它(js)


我正在使用 HTML 和 JS 制作游戏,需要在游戏未结束时不断添加点并通过 document.getElementById() 显示它。我的预期是每秒钟 5 美元将被添加到积分中,并以这种格式显示:“金钱:5”。我所拥有的只是“钱:”,所以我认为 JavaScript 代码会有一些不正确的地方,会不断增加 5 美元。我确实收到了一条错误消息:“未捕获的类型错误:无法将 innerHTML 的属性发送到 null”我最初开始使用“window.onload = function()”修复该问题,但随后页面的 CSS 已损坏并完全关闭我设计的。这是代码:

 <h3> <b> Game Statistics </b> </h3>
    <span> Dollars Earned Per Second: <b> </b></span>
    <span id = "money"> Money: <b> </b> </span>
    <span> Carbon Footprint Decrease Rate: <b> </b></span>
<div id = "garbagecan">
    <img src = "gbg.png" id = "gbg"> 
    <p> Garbage Can </p>
    <p> Status: Unlocked </p>
    <p id = "description">  0.1% decrease rate: $5 per second </p>
    <button> Increase to 0.5% decrease rate for $20 </button>



const decrease_rate_required = 0;
var user_decrease_rate = 0.1;
var user_money = 0;
var tools_bought = 1;
var hasWon = false;

const garbage_box = {
   status: "unlocked",
   numOfUpgrades: 9,
   index: 0,
   currentDecreaseRate = 0.1,
   rateOfMoney: 5,
   maxedOut: false,
   decreaseRateUpgrades: [0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.9, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 1.85, 2],
   upgradeCosts: [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]

while(hasWon === false) {
   user_money = user_money + garbage_box.rateOfMoney
   document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = "Money: " + user_money

标签: javascripthtml


  1. 我把它改成currentDecreaseRate = 0.1,了这个 - currentDecreaseRate:0.1,

  2. while 循环不是您在这里需要的。您必须在此处使用间隔来更新值。

const decrease_rate_required = 0;
var user_decrease_rate = 0.1;
var user_money = 0;
var tools_bought = 1;
var hasWon = false;

const garbage_box = {
   status: "unlocked",
   numOfUpgrades: 9,
   index: 0,
   rateOfMoney: 5,
   maxedOut: false,
   decreaseRateUpgrades: [0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.9, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 1.85, 2],
   upgradeCosts: [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]

// Check if hasWon is false
if(hasWon == false) {
// Update money
user_money = user_money + garbage_box.rateOfMoney
   document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = "Money: " + user_money
// Run the function every 1000 milliseconds that is 1s.
<span id="money"> Money: <b> </b> </span>
