首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Java 中将 Json Arraysize 修剪为 1


我有一个包含许多节点的 Json,其中一些节点包含大小大于 1 的数组。我正在尝试编写一些代码来将数组大小修剪为 1,并确保所有数组元素的所有属性都包含在该数组中元素。然后,我将使用“清理”的 json 生成一个 avro 模式,以与 kafka 流 API 一起使用。实际的 json 非常大,所以为了使其易于管理,我正在尝试这样做。

下面的代码是使用 gson 尝试的,但我对 gson 或 jackson 没有偏好。


  private static void traverseJsonObject(JsonObject source, JsonObject compactedJson, String[] currentJsonPath) {
     String  parentKey = currentJsonPath[0];
     source.keySet().forEach(key ->
        Object keyValue = source.get(key);
        if (keyValue instanceof JsonObject) {
           currentJsonPath[0] += "."+key;
           traverseJsonObject((JsonObject) keyValue, compactedJson, currentJsonPath);
        if (keyValue instanceof JsonArray) {
           JsonArray srcArray = (JsonArray) keyValue;
           //    get the size of the array
           //    if the array size is 0 or 1
           //        continue
           //    if array size is > 1
           //       call compactArray method, passing the value ( jsonarray )
           //       this method should return an array of size 1
           //       remove the node from compactedJson
           //       add the returned array to compactedJson
          if(srcArray.size() > 1) {
              JsonObject firstArrayElement = (JsonObject) srcArray.get(0);
              JsonArray merged = compactArray(srcArray, firstArrayElement);

              //***********  **This is where my error occurs**
              // I would ideally like to build a jsonpath for the key at this point, 
              // but I am NOT able to build a correct jsonpath here 
              JsonElement elementAtKey = compactedJson.get(key);

              JsonArray compactedArrayAtKey = (JsonArray) compactedJson.get(key);

              int srcArraySize = srcArray.size();
              for (int i = 0; i < srcArraySize; i++) {
              compactedJson.add(key, compactedArrayAtKey);
           }            //remove the key node
           // add jsonarray at key
        // iterate over keys of input json
        // If the value for the key  is of type jsonarray
        //    get the size of the array
        //    if the array size is 0 or 1
        //        continue
        //    if array size is > 1
        //       call compactArray method, passing the value ( jsonarray )
        //       this method should return an array of size 1
        //       remove the node from compactedJson
        //       add the returned array to compactedJson

  private static JsonArray compactArray(JsonArray multiDimArray, JsonObject firstArrayElement) {
     IntStream.range(0, multiDimArray.size()).forEach(index -> {
        JsonElement srcElem = multiDimArray.get(index);
        JsonObject srcAtIndex = (JsonObject) srcElem;
        Set<String> sourceKeySet = srcAtIndex.keySet();
        for (String key : srcAtIndex.keySet()) {
           if(!firstArrayElement.has(key)) {
              firstArrayElement.addProperty(key, String.valueOf(srcAtIndex.get(key)));
     JsonArray oneElementArray = new JsonArray();
     return oneElementArray;


JsonElement elementAtKey = compactedJson.get(key);


     "TopmostNode" {
           "level2-1" {
               "attr2-1-1": "value2-2-1",
           "level2-2" {
               "attr2-2-1": "value2-2-1",
               "level3-1": [
                    "attr3-1-1-1": "value3-1-1-1"
                    "attr3-1-1-2": "value3-1-1-2"
                    "attr3-1-1-1": "value3-1-1-1"
                    "attr3-1-2-1": "value3-1-2-1"


     "TopmostNode" {
           "level2-1" {
               "attr2-1-1": "value2-2-1",
           "level2-2" {
               "attr2-2-1": "value2-2-1",
               "level3-1": [
                    "attr3-1-1-1": "value3-1-1-1"
                    "attr3-1-1-2": "value3-1-1-2"
                    "attr3-1-2-1": "value3-1-2-1"

理想情况下,我现在想为密钥构建一个 jsonpath,但我无法在这里构建一个正确的 jsonpath

如何在遍历 json 对象时构建 jsonpath 或

是否有另一种方法可以将所有数组修剪为大小 1?


标签: arraysjsonjava-8jsonpath

