首页 > 解决方案 > 运行脚本 prepare_lang.sh 时出现 Kaldi 错误——GenericRegister::GetEntry: No such file or directory


我正在使用 Kaldi 在我自己的数据集上训练声学模型(遵循Eleanor Chodroff 的本教程)。我在 Windows 10 上使用 Cygwin。当我运行prepare_lang.sh应该创建文件的脚本时/data/lang,它会生成以下错误:

ERROR: GenericRegister::GetEntry: No such file or directory
ERROR: MutableFst::Read: Unknown FST type "vector" (arc type = "standard"): standard input

未创建这些文件:L.fst, L_disambig.fst, oov.int, oov.txt, topo


91767@LAPTOP-E2QH3TON /cygdrive/c/Users/91767/Desktop/kaldi/egs/mycorpus
$ utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/lang oov data/local/ data/lang

utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/lang oov data/local/ data/lang
Checking data/local/lang/silence_phones.txt ...
--> reading data/local/lang/silence_phones.txt
--> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces
--> text contains only allowed whitespaces
--> data/local/lang/silence_phones.txt is OK

Checking data/local/lang/optional_silence.txt ...
--> reading data/local/lang/optional_silence.txt
--> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces
--> text contains only allowed whitespaces
--> data/local/lang/optional_silence.txt is OK

Checking data/local/lang/nonsilence_phones.txt ...
--> reading data/local/lang/nonsilence_phones.txt
--> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces
--> text contains only allowed whitespaces
--> data/local/lang/nonsilence_phones.txt is OK

Checking disjoint: silence_phones.txt, nonsilence_phones.txt
--> disjoint property is OK.

Checking data/local/lang/lexicon.txt
--> reading data/local/lang/lexicon.txt
--> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces
--> text contains only allowed whitespaces
--> data/local/lang/lexicon.txt is OK

Checking data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt
--> reading data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt
--> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces
--> text contains only allowed whitespaces
--> data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt is OK

Checking lexicon pair data/local/lang/lexicon.txt and data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt
--> lexicon pair data/local/lang/lexicon.txt and data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt match

Checking data/local/lang/extra_questions.txt ...
--> data/local/lang/extra_questions.txt is empty (this is OK)
--> SUCCESS [validating dictionary directory data/local/lang]

ERROR: GenericRegister::GetEntry: No such file or directory
ERROR: MutableFst::Read: Unknown FST type "vector" (arc type = "standard"): standard input

我从同一个教程中遵循了 Cygwin 的标准 Kaldi 安装,并kaldi/tools拥有该文件夹openfst-1.7.2

我已经在谷歌上搜索了一段时间,但似乎找不到解决方案。我是 Kaldi 的新手,不确定错误的来源,所以我很乐意提供任何其他可能相关的细节。有人可以帮我吗?

标签: cygwinkaldiopenfstfst

