首页 > 解决方案 > 连接字符串作为打字稿中对象的键?


假设我有以下 JS 代码:

export const giveMeFunctions = (namePrefix, number) => {
    const functionA = (x) => number + x;
    const functionB = (x, y) => number * x - y;
    return {
        [`${namePrefix}Add`]: functionA,
        [`${namePrefix}MultSub`]: functionB,

// This is handy because I can then do:
const {piAdd, piMultSub} = giveMeFunctions('pi', Math.PI);
const {eAdd, eMultSub} = giveMeFunctions('e', Math.E);
// No confusion between variable names, and object interpolation makes it easy to use

但是,我想不出一种在 Typescript 中键入此函数的返回值的好方法。正如你所看到的,这两个键有不同的类型,所以我不能简单地做类似的事情

const giveMeFunctions<N extends string> = (number: number): {
    [key: string]: Function;
} => {...}

因为这将允许意外交换 和 的functionA参数functionB。在我看来,这应该可以通过 Typescript 实现,因为这在编译时都是可能的。例如,如果我们简单地取出连接步骤,这将很容易实现:

export const giveMeFunctions<T extends string> = (number: number): Record<T, string> => {...}


const giveMeFunctions<N extends string> = (number: number): {
    [N + 'Add']: string,
    [N + 'MultSub']: string,
} => {...}


const giveMeFunctions<N extends string> = (namePrefix: N, number: number): {
    [N + 'Add']: string,
    [N + 'MultSub']: string,
} => {...}


TS1170: A computed property name in a type literal must refer to an expression whose type is a literal type or a 'unique symbol' type.


标签: typescriptobjecttypes



const record = <
  Prop extends PropertyKey,
  Value extends (...args: any[]) => any
>(prop: Prop, value: Value) =>
  ({ [prop]: value }) as Record<Prop, Value>

export const giveMeFunctions = <
  T extends string,
  N extends number
>(namePrefix: T, number: N) =>
  ...record(`${namePrefix}Add`, (x: N) => number + x,),
  ...record(`${namePrefix}MultSub`, (x: N, y: N) => number * x - y),

const result = giveMeFunctions('pi', Math.PI);
result.piAdd // (x: number) => number
result.piMultSub // (x: number, y: number) => number


record功能可以解决问题。默认情况下,具有类似计算属性的对象{[prop]:key}被解析{[props:string]:any type}

您可能已经注意到,我使用类型转换 as Record<Prop, Value>来避免这种行为
