首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么日期时间对象之间的比较会导致 powershell 崩溃?


我正在尝试编写一个简单的脚本,让用户从 5 个选项中进行选择,以编写一些文本或运行一些基本命令。出于某种原因,当我选择选项 1 时程序崩溃。

Write-Output " "
Write-Output "Hello. I am the Augur of Dunlain. I know many things. Ask, that which you do not yet know:"
sleep 2
Write-Output "1. How many more days until Christmas?"
Write-Output "2. What processes are running on my computer?"
Write-Output "3. What is System32?"
Write-Output "4. Why are the Blades saying that I have to kill Parthunaax?"
Write-Output "5. What is my age?"

$choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Choose options 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5"

    If ($choice -eq "1"){
        $currentDate = Get-Date
        $christmas = Get-Date "12/25/2021"
        $timeSpan = New-Timespan -Start $currentDate -End $christmas
        if(timeSpan.days -gt 0){
        Write-Output "There are " + $timeSpan.Days + " days left until Christmas."
        sleep 3

        else {
            Write-Output "It is Christmas today! Merry Christmas!"
            sleep 3

    elseif ($choice -eq "2"){
        $processes = Get-Process
        Write-Output $processes
        sleep 25
    elseif ($choice -eq "3"){
        Write-Output "System 32 is the collection of the following files and directories:"
        $system32 = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\System32
        Write-Output $system32
        sleep 25
    elseif ($choice -eq "4"){
        Write-Output "They are intollerant, plain and simple. Parthunaax is a total G, so if the Blades are telling you to kill him you can tell them that they are stinky nerds and you don't want to play with them any more."
    elseif ($choice -eq "5"){

    else {
        Write-Output "Looks like you have failed the simple task of selecting a number 1 through 5. I figured a monkey would have been capable of doing that but I guess you're inferior to the monkey. Try again but this time be better."

标签: powershell


根据问题的当前版本,您在 If(timeSpan.days) 中缺少 $ 应该是 If($timeSpan.days) 并且在写入输出中不要尝试添加字符串,只需使用 PowerShell 字符串扩展,如图所示.

    If ($choice -eq "1"){
        $currentDate = Get-Date
        $christmas = Get-Date "12/25/2021"
        $timeSpan = New-Timespan -Start $currentDate -End $christmas
        if($timeSpan.days -gt 0){
        Write-Output "There are $($timeSpan.Days) days left until Christmas."
        sleep 3


Choose options 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5: 1
There are 150 days left until Christmas.

