首页 > 解决方案 > 单击按钮后程序两次进入 eventListener


下午好。单击“开始”按钮后,我正在呈现带有答案的测验的第一个问题。Next questions render only when the answer in a previous question is chosen. 问题是当第一个问题被呈现时,它的答案会出现两次。我做了一些调试,由于某些原因,在我单击按钮后,程序两次进入 addEventListener,这就是为什么只有在第一个问题中我有重复的答案,后来一切正常。这是代码,也是可以看到这个包的网站dnd1993.github.io

const button = document.querySelector('.quiz_info__btn');
const quizInfo = document.querySelector('.quiz_info');
const quiz = document.querySelector('.quiz');
const answers_container = document.querySelector('.answers__container');
const check = document.querySelectorAll('.answers__container__answer');
const question_number = document.querySelector('h3');
const quiz_question = document.querySelector('h2');
const image = document.querySelector('.quiz__img');
const resultDescription = document.querySelector('.quiz__results-description');
let currentQuestion = 0;
let correctAnswers = 0;

const questions = [
    question: 'Which Hogwarts class has a different teacher every year?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Potions', correct: false },
      { text: 'Defence Against The Dark Arts', correct: true },
      { text: 'Herbology', correct: false },
      { text: 'Flying', correct: false },
    question: 'Who was Hermione’s date at the Yule Ball in The Goblet of Fire?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Harry Potter', correct: false },
      { text: 'Cedric Diggory', correct: false },
      { text: 'Victor Krum', correct: true },
      { text: 'Neville Longbottom', correct: false },
    question: 'Where is Azkaban located?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Past the Forbidden Forest, turn right', correct: false },
      { text: 'In a dark corner across the earth', correct: false },
      { text: 'The North Sea', correct: true },
      { text: 'Diagon Alley', correct: false },
    question: 'How did Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts in Chamber of Secrets?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'The flying Ford Anglia', correct: true },
      { text: 'Hogwarts Express', correct: false },
      { text: 'Nimbus 2000', correct: false },
      { text: 'The Knight Bus', correct: false },
    question: 'What is Tom Riddle’s middle name?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Bilius', correct: false },
      { text: 'Marvolo', correct: true },
      { text: 'Percival', correct: false },
      { text: 'Voldemort', correct: false },
    question: 'Where can Hogwarts students visit from their third year?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Godric’s Hollow', correct: false },
      { text: 'Hogsmeade', correct: true },
      { text: 'Spinner’s End', correct: false },
      { text: 'Gringotts', correct: false },
    question: "Who do we find out is Harry's godfather in Prisoner of Azkaban?",
    answers: [
      { text: 'Tom Riddle', correct: false },
      { text: 'Severus Snape', correct: false },
      { text: 'Albus Dumbledore', correct: false },
      { text: 'Sirius Black', correct: true },
    question: "What colour are Dobby's eyes?",
    answers: [
      { text: 'Blue', correct: false },
      { text: 'Brown', correct: false },
      { text: 'Black', correct: false },
      { text: 'Green', correct: true },
    question: 'What shape birthmark does Dumbledore have?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'A phoenix', correct: false },
      { text: 'A map of the London Underground', correct: true },
      { text: 'The key to Hogwarts', correct: false },
      { text: 'A perfect heart', correct: false },
      'Which of these is a Potterwatch Radio alter-ego in the Deathly Hallows?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Lupin', correct: false },
      { text: 'Rapier', correct: true },
      { text: 'Pansy', correct: false },
      { text: 'Rolanda', correct: false },
    question: 'Which Horcrux was the first one to be destroyed?',
    answers: [
      { text: 'Marvolo Gaunt’s ring', correct: false },
      { text: 'Tom Riddle’s diary', correct: true },
      { text: 'Nagini', correct: false },
      { text: 'Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup', correct: false },
    question: "What is the number of Harry's vault at Gringotts?",
    answers: [
      { text: '687', correct: true },
      { text: '492', correct: false },
      { text: '384', correct: false },
      { text: '296', correct: false },

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  quizInfo.style.display = 'none';
  button.style.display = 'none';
  quiz.style.display = 'block';
const clearQuestion = () => {
  quiz_question.textContent = '';
  answers_container.innerHTML = '';
const renderNextQuestion = i => {
  question_number.textContent = `Question ${i + 1}/12`;
  image.src = `img/${i}.jpg`;
  quiz_question.textContent = questions[i].question;

  questions[i].answers.forEach(answer => {
    const answer_text = document.createElement('p');
    answer_text.textContent = answer.text;
    if (answer.correct) {
      answer_text.dataset.correct = answer.correct;
  document.querySelectorAll('.answers__container__answer').forEach(answer =>
    answer.addEventListener('click', e => {
      if (e.target.dataset.correct) correctAnswers++;
      if (currentQuestion < questions.length)
      if (
        document.querySelector('.answers__container').childElementCount === 0
      ) {
        question_number.style.display = 'none';
        image.src = 'img/end.png';
        image.style.height = '50vh';
        // image.style.width = 'auto';
        quiz_question.textContent = `Correct answers: ${correctAnswers}`;
        correctAnswers <= 7
          ? (resultDescription.textContent =
              "That wasn't very Hogwarts of you...Anything from the trolley, dear? Yep, a well-needed weekend binge-watch please. Time to brush up on your knowledge!")
          : (resultDescription.textContent =
              "You're a wizard, Harry! Butterbeer's on you, because you're actually pretty clued up. Snape would be proud.");
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    <title>Harry Potter Quiz</title>
      <div class="container">
        <div class="main">
            QUIZ: How well do you actually remember all 8 Harry Potter films?
          <div class="quiz_info">
              alt="Harry Potter books"
            <p class="quiz_info__description">
              Were you paying attention during the Harry Potter saga? It's time
              to put your knowledge to the test, as only a real fan can score
              100% in this quiz...
          <button class="quiz_info__btn">Start</button>
          <div class="quiz">
              alt="Picture from Harry Potter"
            <div class="answers__container"></div>
            <p class="quiz__results-description"></p>

标签: javascript

