首页 > 解决方案 > Can't install libpulse on Mac


I'm trying to compile some source code, and I'm getting the following error:

ld: library not found for -l:libpulse-simple.0.dylib

I've figured out that I need to install the "libpulse-simple.0.dylib" file (and probably some other files too) into my /usr/lib directory, but I can't figure out how to do that. I've already run brew install pulseaudio, but is there another library I need to install?

标签: macoscompilationclanghomebrewpulseaudio


这是一个编译问题。libpulse-simple.0.dylib已经链接/usr/lib到. 你只需要告诉ld找到它。修复PATH你的编译脚本。或者告诉ld通过 . 显式搜索它-L/usr/lib
