首页 > 解决方案 > 搜索+反向搜索腌制文件,跳过值



import pickle,os

def goto_index(idx_str,src,dest=False) :
    '''Go to index :
       1. Convert 1-based comma seperated digits in idx_str into 0-based list containing each index digit as int.
       2. Starting from current position of src, iterate until index[0] matches current objec's position.
          If matched, try to index the object as given. If not matched, function raises EOFError. If index illegal
          in object function raises IndexError.If object found and index found in object, return value found and
          seek src to begining of object @ index. 
       3. If dest is specified, all values until index will be copied to it from it's current position.
          If element is not found in src, the result will be that all elements from src's current positon
          to EOF are copied to dest.

    index = [int(subidx)-1 for subidx in idx_str.split(',')]
    val = None
    obj_cnt = -1                              # 0-based count

    try :
        while True :                          # EOFError if index[0] >= EOF point
            obj = pickle.load(src)
            obj_cnt += 1
            if obj_cnt == index[0] :
                val = obj
                for subidx in index[1::] :
                    val = val[subidx]         # IndexError if index illegal
                src.seek(-len(pickle.dumps(obj)),os.SEEK_CUR) # Seek to start of object at index
                return val
            elif dest : pickle.dump(obj,dest)
    except (EOFError,IndexError) : raise      # Caller will handle exceptions

def add_elements(f) :
    pickle.dump('hello world',f)
    pickle.dump('good morning',f)
    pickle.dump('69 420',f)
    pickle.dump('ending !',f)

def get_elements(f) :
    elements = []
    # Actual code similarly calls goto_index() in ascending order of indices, avoiding repeated seeks.
    for idx_str in ('1','2','3') : 
    return elements

with open("tmp","wb+") as tmp :
    print(', '.join(get_elements(tmp)))

    '''Expected output : hello world, good morning, 69 420
       Actual output   : hello world, good morning, ending !
       Issue : When asking for 3rd element, 3rd element skipped, 4th returned, why ?


标签: pythonpython-3.xpickleseek



  • obj_cnt在函数调用期间不是持久的,因此即使在每次调用中修改文件位置时也总是从头开始,所以goto_idx()表现得好像它在 BOF 处,但反而会领先得多。
  • 在索引 ( ) 处寻找对象的开始会src.seek(-len(pickle.dumps(obj)),os.SEEK_CUR)导致下一次读取读取与之前相同的对象 - 如果先前的错误已修复,这将导致goto_index() 始终从第一次调用中返回并返回索引处的对象。


请记住,我对 python 中的 OOP 非常陌生,下面的代码中可能有些奇怪:

class goto_index:
    obj_cnt = -1 # 0-based count
    def sorted(idx_str,src,dest=None,fp_set=False) :
    #Use if going to indexes in ascending order in loop
    # idx_str = comma-seperated index , eg : "7,8" like foo[7][8]
    # src     = file object to search in, from it's current position
    # dest    = if True, will copy all objects until obj @ idx_str found OR EOF
    # fp_set  = if True, will seek such that next read will return obj @ idx_str
        index = [int(subidx)-1 for subidx in idx_str.split(',')]
        # Make 0-based int list from 1-based csv string 
        val = None
        try :
            while True :                            # EOFError if not found
                obj = pickle.load(src)
                goto_index.obj_cnt += 1             # increment counter
                if goto_index.obj_cnt == index[0] : # 1st element of index is object number
                    val = obj
                    for subidx in index[1::] :      # Index the object itself
                        val = val[subidx]           # IndexError if illegal index
                    if fp_set : src.seek(-len(pickle.dumps(obj)),os.SEEK_CUR)
                    # Seek back to begining of object in src
                    return val                      # Return value @ index
                elif dest : pickle.dump(obj,dest)   # Copy object to dest
        except (EOFError, IndexError) : raise       # Caller handles these 

    def reset():
        goto_index.obj_cnt = -1

    def random(idx_str,src,dest=None,fp_set=False) :
        goto_index.reset() # Just in case
        src.seek(0)        # Just in case       
        goto_index.reset() # Clear count


def fetch_elements(f) :
    elements = []
    for idx_str in ('1','2','3') : # Indexes are passed sorted
    goto_index.reset()            # Required if using the methods later
    return elements
