首页 > 解决方案 > 经典的 ASP 文件上传问题


我正在尝试上传一个 csv 文件,然后逐行读取它并将其传递给我的数据库。我在文件上传时遇到问题,我可以看到,每当我上传文件时,都会在我的 csv 的列中添加一个额外的数字,因此我的代码会失败。我可以看到文件保存在预期的位置,当我打开它时,我可以看到一个我从未添加过的额外数字。这可能是什么原因?

这是我上传到服务器的 csv 文件,具有额外的价值

这是我上传 CSV 文件并读取它并使用循环的代码,我正在迭代 csv 文件中的值并将这些值存储在我的变量中,然后将其传递给存储在 DB 中的方法。

<!--#include file="clsUpload.asp"-->
<!-- #include file = "Bin/includes/GenFunctions.asp" -->
<!-- #include file = "Bin/includes/HeaderFooter.asp" -->
<title>CMTL Entry File Upload</title>
<BODY text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<FORM ACTION = "clsUploadtest.asp" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST">
File Name: <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME="txtFile"><P>

'Declare the form variables
Dim intRecordId
Dim strRecordId
Dim strAction
Dim strInputDate
Dim strPayer
Dim strAmount
Dim strTransType
Dim strPayee
Dim strAddRemarks
Dim strComments
Dim strAccNo
Dim strPolicyNo
Dim strBranchConfDate
Dim strConfBy
Dim strSheetUpdDate
Dim strMailUpdDate
Dim strUploadTime
Dim strUploadId
Dim strStatus
Dim strLastMdfdDate
Dim strLastMdfdId
Dim lineData
Dim  code
Dim name
Dim mail
Dim id
Dim price
Dim amount
Dim MyArray
Dim i 
i = 0

set obj = Server.CreateObject("AC_FI.mMTL")
If err.number <> 0 Then
    RaiseGenError objCMTL,"Error while creating the object "
end if

set o = new clsUpload
if o.Exists("cmdSubmit") then
'get client file name without path

sFileSplit = split(o.FileNameOf("txtFile"), "\")
sFile = sFileSplit(Ubound(sFileSplit))

o.FileInputName = "txtFile"
o.FileFullPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\entry\" & sFile

 if o.Error = "" then
    response.write "Success. File saved to  " & o.FileFullPath  
    response.write "Failed due to the following error: " & o.Error
end if

set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
set fs = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("entry/" & sFile), 1, False)

 Do While Not fs.AtEndOfStream 
    lineData = fs.ReadLine
    'lineData = replace(lineData,chr(13),",")
    'lineData = replace(lineData,chr(34),"")
     MyArray = Split(lineData , ",")
      strRecordId       = convertNullString(strRecordId)
     strAction          = convertNullString(strAction)
     strInputDate       = convertNullDate(strInputDate)
    strPayer            = convertNullString(strPayer)
    strAmount           = convertNullString(strAmount)
    strTransType        = convertNullString(strTransType)
    strPayee            = convertNullString(strPayee)
    strAddRemarks       = convertNullString(strAddRemarks)
    strComments         = convertNullString(strComments)
    strAccNo            = convertNullString(strAccNo)
    strPolicyNo         = convertNullString(strPolicyNo)
    strBranchConfDate   = convertNullDate(strBranchConfDate)
    strConfBy           = convertNullString(strConfBy)
    strSheetUpdDate     = convertNullDate(strSheetUpdDate)
    strMailUpdDate      = convertNullDate(strMailUpdDate)
    strUploadTime       = convertNullDate(strUploadTime)
    strUploadId         = convertNullString(strUploadId)
    strStatus           = convertNullString(strStatus)
        intRecordId = obj.InsertData(strInputDate,strPayer,strAmount,strTransType,strPayee,strAddRemarks,_
                    strMailUpdDate,strUploadTime,strUploadId,strStatus, pErrorcode)

set fs = nothing
set fso = nothing
end if
set o = nothing


这是我用于文件上传的 clsupload.asp 文件

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Container of Field Properties
Class clsField
    Public FileName
    Public ContentType
    Public Value
    Public FieldName
    Public Length
    Public BinaryData
End Class
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class clsUpload
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private nFieldCount
    Private oFields()
    Private psFileFullPath
    Private psError
    Private psFileInputName
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get Count()
        Count = nFieldCount
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Default Property Get Field(ByRef asFieldName)
        Dim lnLength
        Dim lnIndex
        lnLength = UBound(oFields)
        If IsNumeric(asFieldName) Then
            If lnLength >= asFieldName And asFieldName > -1 Then
                Set Field = oFields(asFieldName)
                Set Field = New clsField
            End If
            For lnIndex = 0 To lnLength
                If LCase(oFields(lnIndex).FieldName) = LCase(asFieldName) Then
                    Set Field = oFields(lnIndex)
                    Exit Property
                End If
            Set Field = New clsField
        End If
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Function Exists(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Exists = Not IndexOf(avKeyIndex) = -1
    End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get ValueOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
        if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
        ValueOf = oFields(lnIndex).Value
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get FileNameOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
        if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
        FileNameOf = oFields(lnIndex).FileName
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get LengthOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
        if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
        LengthOf = oFields(lnIndex).Length
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get BinaryDataOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
        if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
        BinaryDataOf = oFields(lnIndex).BinaryData
    End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private Function IndexOf(ByVal avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        If avKeyIndex = "" Then
            IndexOf = -1
        ElseIf IsNumeric(avKeyIndex) Then
            avKeyIndex = CLng(avKeyIndex)
            If nFieldCount > avKeyIndex And avKeyIndex > -1 Then
                IndexOf = avKeyIndex
                IndexOf = -1
            End If
            For lnIndex = 0 To nFieldCount - 1
                If LCase(oFields(lnIndex).FieldName) = LCase(avKeyIndex) Then
                    IndexOf = lnIndex
                    Exit Function
                End If
            IndexOf = -1
        End If
    End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Let FileFullPath(sValue)
    psFileFullPath = sValue
End Property
Public Property Get FileFullPath()
    FileFullPath = psFileFullPath 
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Let FileInputName(sValue)
    psFileInputName = sValue
End Property
' --------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Save()
    if psFileFullPath <> "" and psFileInputName <> "" then
        'Save to connectionless client side recordset, write to stream,
        'and persist stream.

        'would think you should be able to write directly to
        'stream without recordset, but I could not get that to work

        On error resume next
        binData = o.BinaryDataOf(psFileInputName)
        set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
        rs.fields.append "FileName", 205, LenB(binData)
        rs.fields(0).AppendChunk binData 
        if err.number = 0 then
            set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            objStream.Type  = 1
            objStream.Write rs.fields("FileName").value 
            objStream.SaveToFile psFileFullPath, 2
            set objStream = Nothing

        ENd if
        set rs = nothing
        psError = Err.Description
        psError = "One or more required properties (FileFullPath and/or FileInputName) not set"

  End If

End Function

Public Property Get Error()
    Error = psError
End Property

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Property Get ContentTypeOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
        Dim lnIndex
        lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
        if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
        ContentTypeOf = oFields(lnIndex).ContentType
    End Property

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Dim lnIndex
        For lnIndex = 0 To nFieldCount - 1
            Set oFields(0) = Nothing
    End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Dim lnBytes             ' Bytes received from the client
        Dim lnByteCount         ' Number of bytes received
        Dim lnStartPosition     ' Position at which content begins
        Dim lnEndPosition       ' Position at which content ends
        Dim loDic               ' Contains properties of each
                                ' specific field
                                ' Local dictionary object(s) 
                                ' to be appended to class-scope
                                ' dictionary object.
        Dim lnBoundaryBytes     ' Bytes contained within the current boundary
        Dim lnBoundaryStart     ' Position at which the current boundary begins
                                ' within the lnBytes binary data.
        Dim lnBoundaryEnd       ' Position at which the current boundary ends
                                ' within the lnBytes binary data.
        Dim lnDispositionPosition
        Dim lsFieldName         ' Name of the current field being parsed from
                                ' Binary Data
        Dim lsFileName          ' Name of the file within the current boundary
        Dim lnFileNamePosition  ' Location of file name within current boundary
        Dim loField             ' clsField Object
        Dim lsValue             ' Value of the current field
        Dim lsContentType       ' ContentType of the binary file (MIME Type)
        ' Initialize Fields
        nFieldCount = 0
        ReDim oFields(-1)
        ' Read the bytes (binary data) into memory  
        lnByteCount = Request.TotalBytes
        lnBytes = Request.BinaryRead(lnByteCount)
        'Get the lnBoundaryBytes
        lnStartPosition = 1
        lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(vbCr))
        If lnEndPosition >= lnStartPosition Then
            lnBoundaryBytes = MidB(lnBytes, lnStartPosition, lnEndPosition - lnStartPosition)
        End If
        lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(1, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
        ' Loop until the BoundaryBytes begin with "--"
        Do Until (lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes & CStrB("--")))
            ' All data within this boundary is stored within a local dictionary
            ' to be appended to the class-scope dictionary.
            ReDim Preserve oFields(nFieldCount)
            nFieldCount = nFieldCount + 1
            Set loField = New clsField

            lnDispositionPosition = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart, lnBytes, CStrB("Content-Disposition"))
            ' Get an object name
            lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnDispositionPosition, lnBytes, CStrB("name=")) + 6
            lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(""""))
            lsFieldName = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes, lnStartPosition, lnEndPosition - lnStartPosition))
            loField.FieldName = lsFieldName
            ' Get the location fo the file name.
            lnFileNamePosition = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart, lnBytes, CStrB("filename="))
            lnBoundaryEnd = InstrB(lnEndPosition, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
            'Test if object is a file
            If Not lnFileNamePosition = 0 And lnFileNamePosition < lnBoundaryEnd Then
                ' Parse Filename
                lnStartPosition = lnFileNamePosition + 10
                lnEndPosition =  InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(""""))
                lsFileName = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
                loField.FileName = lsFileName               
                ' Parse Content-Type
                lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnEndPosition,lnBytes,CStrB("Content-Type:")) + 14
                lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition,lnBytes,CStrB(vbCr))
                lsContentType = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
                loField.ContentType = lsContentType

                ' Parse Content
                lnStartPosition = lnEndPosition + 4
                lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition,lnBytes,lnBoundaryBytes)-2
                lsValue = MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition)
                loField.BinaryData = lsValue & CStrB(vbNull)
                loField.Length = LenB(lsValue)

                ' Parse Content
                lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnDispositionPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(vbCr)) + 4
                lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes) - 2
                lsValue = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
                loField.Value = lsValue
                loField.Length = Len(lsValue)
            End If

            Set oFields(UBound(oFields)) = loField

            'Loop to next object
            lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart + LenB(lnBoundaryBytes), lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
            Set loField = Nothing

    End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private Function CStrU(ByRef psByteString)
        Dim lnLength
        Dim lnPosition
        lnLength = LenB(psByteString)
        For lnPosition = 1 To lnLength
            CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(psByteString, lnPosition, 1)))
    End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Private Function CStrB(ByRef psUnicodeString)
        Dim lnLength
        Dim lnPosition
        lnLength = Len(psUnicodeString)
        For lnPosition = 1 To lnLength
            CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(AscB(Mid(psUnicodeString, lnPosition, 1)))
    End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
End Class
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


标签: file-uploadvbscriptasp-classic

