首页 > 解决方案 > 如何仅在一个 div 中的三个 div 中的两个上访问和应用属性


我正在尝试自学一些网络编码,所以请与我一起裸露。目前,我正在创建一个模态页面,其模态内容具有三个 div 元素(关闭按钮、图像和段落标签)。我在模态内容 div 中的 div 左侧应用了一些填充,因为我希望图像和段落能够很好地彼此相邻。但是,我希望填充仅适用于图像和段落标签,而不适用于关闭按钮。

我的问题是,有没有办法只将填充应用于图像和段落标签,而不是关闭按钮 div。


        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        top: 0;
        background-color: rgba(255, 128, 213, 0.5);
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
    #modalPage1 > #modalContent1 {
        background-color: white;
        width: 75%;
        align-items: center;

       position: absolute;
       top: 0;
       right: 14px;
       font-size: 50px;
       transform: rotate(45deg);
   div > #modalTxt{
       width: 80%;

    #modalContent1 > div {
       padding-left: 10%;
   div > #modalImg{
    width: 353px;
    height: 447px;


<div ID= "modalPage1" class = "modalFish">
        <div ID = "modalContent1" class = "modalFishContent">
            <div ID="close">+</div>   

        <div><img ID= "modalImg" class= "modalFishImg" src="Images/Fish School.jpg"></div>
        <div><p ID = "modalTxt">The inspiration behind this piece was Fall foliage. Deep red being one of my favorite colors for the fall, 
            I decided to use this as the background. Being that it's a dark color, it's easy to layer on different 
            colors that will coordinate well, while adding a pop to it. </p>

            <p ID = "modalTxt">Around this time I had been making a few more "simpler" and "cute" pieces, so I wanted to being myself back
                to making something a little bit more abstract. Although semi simple in design, from afar, the origami pieces 
                appear a bit obscure, almost reminiscent of a pile of leaves. Looking closely, we can see that the origami is 
                in fact fish swimming in all different directions.

标签: htmlcssnestedcss-selectorsappendchild


您当前在下面拥有的 CSS 代码将填充应用于 div 内的每个 div id="modalContent1"。这是一个问题,因为您无法指定要应用填充的元素;如果它是一个 div,它会被填充。您可以将按钮更改为不是 div 的东西,但您添加的任何其他 div 仍会被填充。

#modalContent1 > div {
   padding-left: 10%;

除了这样做,我们可以使用类来代替,因此只有属于该类的元素才会被填充。我们可以先用下面的 CSS 替换上面的代码。

.padding {   
   padding-left: 10%;

这会将填充应用到每个带有class="padding". 现在我们只需要将类添加到 HTML 中。您ID="modalTxt"在 HTML 中使用了两次,但 ID 只能使用一次,因此我们可以将其class="modalTxt"替换为。确保你在你的 CSS 中也替换了它,这样你就可以保持宽度自定义,只需将#in更改div > #modalTxt.如下所示:

div > .modalTxt{
   width: 80%;

可以使用多个类,只要它们用空格分隔,并且有一个单独的填充类可以让您自己自定义填充,以及自己自定义元素的其他属性。所以你的 HTML 看起来像:

<div ID= "modalPage1" class = "modalFish">
    <div ID = "modalContent1" class = "modalFishContent">
        <div ID="close">+</div>   

    <div><img ID= "modalImg" class = "modalFishImg padding" src="Images/Fish School.jpg"></div>
    <div><p class = "modalTxt padding">The inspiration behind this piece was Fall foliage. Deep red being one of my favorite colors for the fall, 
        I decided to use this as the background. Being that it's a dark color, it's easy to layer on different 
        colors that will coordinate well, while adding a pop to it. </p>

        <p class = "modalTxt padding">Around this time I had been making a few more "simpler" and "cute" pieces, so I wanted to being myself back
            to making something a little bit more abstract. Although semi simple in design, from afar, the origami pieces 
            appear a bit obscure, almost reminiscent of a pile of leaves. Looking closely, we can see that the origami is 
            in fact fish swimming in all different directions.

最后一件事,"modalFishTmg"如果您不打算在任何其他元素中使用该类,则可以安全地删除它,因为您已经使用 ID 为图像设置样式。此外,这些类可以放在您放置<img><p>标记的 div 中,但这会给 div 中的任何内容提供填充,如果您添加其他任何内容,这可能会出现问题。
