首页 > 解决方案 > findDOMNode 在 StrictMode 中已弃用。findDOMNode 被传递了一个 Transition 的实例(由 MUI Backdrop 创建),它位于 StrictMode 内部



警告:在 StrictMode 中不推荐使用 findDOMNode。findDOMNode 被传递了一个在 StrictMode 中的 Transition 实例。相反,直接将 ref 添加到要引用的元素。在此处了解有关安全使用 refs 的更多信息:

in div (created by Transition)
in Transition (created by ForwardRef(Fade))
in ForwardRef(Fade) (created by ForwardRef(Backdrop))
in ForwardRef(Backdrop) (created by WithStyles(ForwardRef(Backdrop)))
in WithStyles(ForwardRef(Backdrop)) (at CircularProgressOverlay.tsx:20)
in CircularProgress (at VpmsSpinnerMat.tsx:7)
in VpmsSpinner (at ProductCreate.tsx:19)
in div (at ProductCreate.tsx:18)
in ProductCreate (created by Context.Consumer)
in Route (at ProductMain.tsx:36)
in Switch (at ProductMain.tsx:34)
in Router (created by HashRouter)
in HashRouter (at ProductMain.tsx:33)
in Provider (at ProductMain.tsx:32)
in ProductMain (at App.tsx:9)
in div (created by Styled(MuiBox))
in Styled(MuiBox) (at Box.tsx:32)
in Box (at App.tsx:8)
in App (at src/index.tsx:9)
in StrictMode (at src/index.tsx:8)


import React from "react";
import './spinner.css';
import {Backdrop, Theme} from "@material-ui/core";
import {createStyles, makeStyles} from "@material-ui/core/styles";

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
        backdrop: {
            zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,
            color: '#fff',

export default function CircularProgress(props: any) {
    const classes = useStyles();
    const wrapper= React.createRef();

    return (
        <Backdrop className={classes.backdrop} open={true} ref={wrapper}>
            <div className="lds-dual-ring"/>

findDOMNode是由 MUI 中的 Transition.js(由 Backdrop 创建)引起的。有没有办法在不禁用 StrictMode 的情况下删除警告?我试过了ref={wrapper},但没有效果。

标签: reactjstypescriptmaterial-ui



import React from "react";
import './spinner.css';
import {Backdrop, Theme} from "@material-ui/core";
import {createStyles, makeStyles, unstable_createMuiStrictModeTheme, ThemeProvider} from "@material-ui/core/styles";

// FIXME. To be fixed in future versions of MUI. Not advised for use in Production: https://material-ui.com/customization/theming/
const theme = unstable_createMuiStrictModeTheme();

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
        backdrop: {
            zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,
            color: '#fff',

export default function CircularProgress(props: any) {
    const classes = useStyles();

    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            <Backdrop className={classes.backdrop} open={true}>
                <div className="lds-dual-ring"/>
