首页 > 解决方案 > 玫瑰树的单子



> data Rose a
>   = RoseNode a [Rose a]
>   | RoseLeaf

我需要为它创建一个 monad 实例。这是我的尝试

> instance Monad Rose where
>    return = RoseNode
>    RoseNode a rs >>= f = RoseNode (f a) (rs >>= f)
>    RoseLeaf >>= _ = RoseLeaf


app\Main.lhs:599:15: error:
    * Couldn't match type `[Rose a] -> Rose a' with `Rose a'
      Expected type: a -> Rose a
        Actual type: a -> [Rose a] -> Rose a
    * Probable cause: `RoseNode' is applied to too few arguments
      In the expression: RoseNode
      In an equation for `return': return = RoseNode
      In the instance declaration for `Monad Rose'
    * Relevant bindings include
        return :: a -> Rose a (bound at app\Main.lhs:599:6)
599 | >    return = RoseNode
    |               ^^^^^^


app\Main.lhs:601:51: error:
    * Couldn't match type `Rose' with `[]'
      Expected type: Rose a -> [b]
        Actual type: a -> Rose b
    * In the second argument of `(>>=)', namely `f'
      In the second argument of `RoseNode', namely `(rs >>= f)'
      In the expression: RoseNode (f a) (rs >>= f)
601 | >    RoseNode a rs >>= f = RoseNode (f a) (rs >>= f)


编辑 这是 Rose 的应用程序

> instance Applicative Rose where
>     pure x = RoseNode x []
>     (<*>) _ RoseLeaf = RoseLeaf
>     (<*>) RoseLeaf _ = RoseLeaf
>     (<*>) (RoseNode f rosa) n@(RoseNode x subrosa) = RoseNode (f x) (map (fmap f) subrosa ++ map (<*> n) rosa)

标签: haskell


这是家庭作业吗?如果是这样,Rose数据类型是给你的,还是你自己想出来的?有可能你应该想出一个不同的Rose类型,用叶子而不是节点中的值,因为叶子值玫瑰树的 monad 实例比节点值玫瑰树的 monad 更明显。

如您所知,对于列表,一元绑定操作lst >>= f使用f子列表替换原始列表中的每个值,然后将结果“展平”,因此它仍然是值列表,而不是值列表列表.

类似地,对于一棵树,单子绑定操作tree >>= f应该应用f将树中的每个值替换为一个子树,然后“展平”结果,所以它仍然是一棵值树,而不是一棵值树。

具体来说,对于叶子中的值的玫瑰树,预期的定义rose >>= f很简单——它应该用叶子树替换每个叶子值,然后“扁平化”结果,因此新的子树被嫁接到原来的树。


看起来您的应用实例实现了 (1) 的等价物。


data Rose a
  = RoseNode a [Rose a]
  | RoseLeaf
  deriving (Functor)
instance Applicative Rose where
  pure x = RoseNode x []
  (<*>) _ RoseLeaf = RoseLeaf
  (<*>) RoseLeaf _ = RoseLeaf
  (<*>) (RoseNode f rosa) n@(RoseNode x subrosa) 
    = RoseNode (f x) (map (fmap f) subrosa ++ map (<*> n) rosa)
instance Monad Rose where
  RoseLeaf >>= _ = RoseLeaf
  RoseNode x branches >>= f = case f x of
    RoseLeaf -> RoseLeaf
    RoseNode y branches' -> RoseNode y (branches' ++ fmap (>>= f) branches)


(<*>)您可以通过从Applicative实例与apfrom进行比较来确保 applicative 和 monad 实例是“兼容的” Control.Monad,它(<*>)使用 monadic 操作实现:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Monad

data Rose a
  = RoseNode a [Rose a]
  | RoseLeaf
  deriving (Functor, Show)
instance Applicative Rose where
  pure x = RoseNode x []
  (<*>) _ RoseLeaf = RoseLeaf
  (<*>) RoseLeaf _ = RoseLeaf
  (<*>) (RoseNode f rosa) n@(RoseNode x subrosa)
    = RoseNode (f x) (map (fmap f) subrosa ++ map (<*> n) rosa)
instance Monad Rose where
  RoseLeaf >>= _ = RoseLeaf
  RoseNode x branches >>= f = case f x of
    RoseLeaf -> RoseLeaf
    RoseNode y branches' -> RoseNode y (branches' ++ fmap (>>= f) branches)

t1 = RoseNode (+1) [RoseNode (+2) [], RoseNode (+3) []]
t2 = RoseNode 17 [RoseNode 23 [], RoseNode 29 []]

main = do
  print $ t1 <*> t2
  print $ t1 `ap` t2
