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I am currently using IBM Decision Optimization Center V3.8 to create model file and recently changed to use OpenJDK. Can I ask whether will IBM Decision Optimization Center V3.8 work with OpenJDK?

I am using HTCondor to run the model file and the HTCondor kept holding on to the job, can someone give me some guide on how can I troubleshoot this issue?

标签: javailog


OpenJDK vs Oracle JDK ...唯一的区别在于这两者之间的许可。

第一个是具有 gnu 通用许可证的开源。是商业许可。


如果您有一个涉及数百万的超级关键应用程序,那么您会考虑支持等,但大多数人建议使用 OpenJDK,因为代码 99% 相同
