首页 > 解决方案 > 访问 Django 模板的 ManyToManyField 内容


我正在制作一个低规格的 e-bay 克隆,我正在尝试实现一个监视列表功能,但问题是我无法访问监视列表模型中的 ManyToManyField,因此我可以使用模板中字段的内容我正在使用。为了向他们显示每个用户的关注列表,到目前为止我只得到这个结果: 在此处输入图像描述但我需要得到这样的结果: 在此处输入图像描述



{% extends "auctions/layout.html" %}

{% load static %}

{% block title %} {{name}}'s Watchlist {% endblock %}

{% block body %}
<h2>{{name}}'s Watchlist</h2>

{% for listing in watchlist %}
<div class='listing'>
    <h3>{{ listing.list_title}}</h3>
    {% if listing.img_url == "" %}
        <a href='#'><img src="{% static 'auctions/img404.png' %}" class='img-fluid'></a>
    {% else %}
        <a href='#'><img src="{{ listing.img_url }}" class="img-fluid" alt='image of {{ listing.list_title }}'></a>
    {% endif %}
        {{ listing.desc }}
        Current Bid: ${{ listing.start_bid }}
    {% if listing.category == "" %}
        <p>Category: No Category Listed</p>
    {% else %}
        <p>Category: {{ listing.category }}</p>
    {% endif %}
    <a href='#' class='btn btn-primary' id='go'>Go To Listing</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}


def render_listing(request, title):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = BidForm(request.POST)
        bid = int(request.POST['new_bid'])
        listing = Auction_Listing.objects.get(list_title=title)
        comments = Auction_Comments.objects.all().filter(auction_id=listing)
        if bid < listing.start_bid:
            error = True
            error = False
            listing.start_bid = bid
        return render(request, 'auctions/listing.html', {
            "listing": listing,
            "form": form,
            "comments": comments,
            "error": error
        form = BidForm()
        listing = Auction_Listing.objects.get(list_title=title)
        comments = Auction_Comments.objects.all().filter(auction_id=listing)
        return render(request, 'auctions/listing.html', {
            "listing": listing,
            "form": form,
            "comments": comments,
            "error": False

def watchlist_render(request):
    user = request.user.id
    username = request.user.username
    watched = Watchlist.objects.filter(user_id=user)
    return render(request, 'auctions/watchlist.html', {
        "watchlist": watched,
        "name": username


from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.deletion import CASCADE

        ('Appliances', 'Appliances'),
         ('Tech', 'Tech'), 
         ('Gaming', 'Gaming'), 
         ('Fashion', 'Fashion'), 
         ('Sports and Fitness','Sports and Fitness'), 
         ("Hygiene and Medicine","Hygiene and Medicine"), 
        ('Decor', 'Decor'), 
        ('Cars and Mechanical Things','Cars and Mechanical Things'), 

# Create models here
class User(AbstractUser):

class Auction_Listing(models.Model):
    user_id = models.IntegerField(default=1)
    list_title = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    desc = models.TextField(max_length=324)
    img_url = models.URLField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True)
    start_bid = models.IntegerField()
    category = models.CharField(choices=CATEGORIES, max_length=35, null=True, blank=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"ID:{self.id}, {self.list_title}: {self.desc}, {self.start_bid} posted by user:{self.user_id} in Category:{self.category}, url:{self.img_url}"

class Bids(models.Model):
    bid = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    user_id = models.IntegerField(default=1)
    auction_id = models.ManyToManyField(Auction_Listing)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"ID:{self.id}, Bid {self.bid} posted by user:{self.user_id} on auction {self.auction_id}"

class Auction_Comments(models.Model):
    user_id = models.IntegerField(default=1)
    comment = models.TextField(max_length=324, default='N/A')
    auction_id = models.ManyToManyField(Auction_Listing)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"ID:{self.id}, Comment: {self.comment} posted by user:{self.user_id} on auction {self.auction_id}"

class Watchlist(models.Model):
    user_id = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=CASCADE,default=1)
    auction_id = models.ManyToManyField(Auction_Listing, related_name='auction_listing')

    def __str__(self):
        return f"ID:{self.user_id} on auction {self.auction_id}"



编辑:@nigel222 要求的链接结果 在此处输入图像描述

标签: pythonhtmldjangodjango-modelsdjango-templates


啊CS50W。我喜欢这门课程。不管怎样,我知道你卡在哪里了。您所做的是在上下文中传递 Watchlist 对象,而不是传递列表列表。

这就是你{% for listing in watchlist %}失败的原因,因为watchlist它是一个单一的对象。

相反,您可以做的是,在您的 views.py 中,获取已观看项目的完整列表,并将该列表作为上下文传入。所以:

def watchlist_render(request):
    user = request.user.id
    username = request.user.username

    # This will give you the Watchlist instance
    watchlist = Watchlist.objects.filter(user_id=user)

    # I would recommend renaming auction_id (in your models.py file) to `auctionItems` or 'listings'
    # because it returns an object of type Auction_Listing, rather than just the id.
    # for eg. watchlist.listings.all() allows you to instinctively understand what you're trying to do.
    # Now you can extract the listings from the watchlist
    listings = watchlist.auction_id.all()
    return render(request, 'auctions/watchlist.html', {
        "watchlist": listings,
        "name": username

现在在您的模板中,您可以访问列表中的每个列表:{% for listing in listings %}
