首页 > 解决方案 > 在子类 tf.keras.Model 的调用方法中使用 GRUCell 进行 For 循环


我进行了子类化tf.keras.Model,并tf.keras.layers.GRUCell在 for 循环中使用来计算序列“y_t”(n,时间步长,hidden_​​units)和最终隐藏状态“h_t”(n,hidden_​​units)。为了让我的循环输出“y_t”,我tf.Variable在每次循环迭代后更新 a。调用模型model(input)不是问题,但是当我在调用方法中使用 for 循环拟合模型时,我会得到 TypeError 或 ValueError。

请注意,我不能简单地使用tf.keras.layers.GRU,因为我正在尝试实施这篇论文。本文不只是将 x_t 传递给 RNN 中的下一个单元,而是执行一些计算作为 for 循环中的一个步骤(它们在 PyTorch 中实现)并将该计算的结果传递给 RNN 单元。他们最终基本上是这样做的:h_t = f(special_x_t, h_t-1)。


class CustomGruRNN(tf.keras.Model):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, timesteps, hidden_units, features, **kwargs):

        # Inheritance

        # Args
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.timesteps = timesteps
        self.hidden_units = hidden_units        

        # Stores y_t
        self.rnn_outputs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(batch_size, timesteps, hidden_units)), trainable=False)

        # To be used in for loop in call
        self.gru_cell = tf.keras.layers.GRUCell(units=hidden_units)

        # Reshape to match input dimensions
        self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=features)

    def call(self, inputs):
        """Inputs is rank-3 tensor of shape (n, timesteps, features) """

        # Initial state for gru cell
        h_t = tf.zeros(shape=(self.batch_size, self.hidden_units))

        for timestep in tf.range(self.timesteps):
            # Get the the timestep of the inputs
            x_t = tf.gather(inputs, timestep, axis=1)  # Same as x_t = inputs[:, timestep, :]

            # Compute outputs and hidden states
            y_t, h_t = self.gru_cell(x_t, h_t)
            # Update y_t at the t^th timestep
            self.rnn_outputs = self.rnn_outputs[:, timestep, :].assign(y_t)

        # Outputs need to have same last dimension as inputs
        outputs = self.dense(self.rnn_outputs)

        return outputs


# Arbitrary values for dataset
num_samples = 128
batch_size = 4
timesteps = 5
features = 10

# Arbitrary dataset
x = tf.random.uniform(shape=(num_samples, timesteps, features))
y = tf.random.uniform(shape=(num_samples, timesteps, features))

train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y))
train_data = train_data.shuffle(batch_size).batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True)

# Model with arbitrary hidden units
model = CustomGruRNN(batch_size, timesteps, hidden_units=5)
model.compile(loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam())


model.fit(train_data, epochs=2, run_eagerly=True)

Epoch 1/2 警告:tensorflow:当最小化损失时,变量 ['stack_overflow_gru_rnn/gru_cell/kernel:0'、'stack_overflow_gru_rnn/gru_cell/recurrent_kernel:0'、'stack_overflow_gru_rnn/gru_cell/bias:0'] 不存在梯度。ValueError:找不到子字符串 ValueError


model.fit(train_data, epochs=2, run_eagerly=False)

Epoch 1/2 TypeError:在用户代码中:TypeError:无法将 NoneType 转换为张量或操作。

标签: pythontensorflowmachine-learningkerasrecurrent-neural-network



虽然 TensorFlow 指南的答案就足够了,但我认为我的涉及 RNN 的自定义单元的自我回答问题是一个更好的选择。请看这个答案。使用自定义 RNN 单元消除了使用的需要tf.Transposetf.TensorArray从而降低了代码的复杂性,同时提高了可读性。


TensorFlow's Guide to Effective TensorFlow2底部附近描述的 DynamicRNN 的使用解决了我的问题。

为了简要扩展 DynamicRNN 的概念用途,定义了一个 RNN 单元,在我的例子中是 GRU,然后可以在tf.range循环中定义任意数量的自定义步骤。应该使用循环外部但调用方法本身内部的对象来跟踪变量tf.TensorArray,并且可以通过简单地调用.shape(输入)张量的方法来确定此类数组的大小。值得注意的是,DynamicRNN 对象在模型拟合中工作,其中默认执行模式是“Graph”模式,而不是较慢的“Eager Execution”模式。

最后,可能需要使用“DynamicRNN”,因为默认情况下,“tf.keras.layers.GRU”计算由以下循环逻辑松散地描述(假设“f”定义了一个 GRU 单元):

# Numpy is used here for ease of indexing, but in general you should use
# tensors and transpose them accordingly (see the previously linked guide)
inputs = np.random.randn((batch, total_timesteps, features))

# List for tracking outputs -- just for simple demonstration... again please see the guide for more details
outputs = []

# Initialize the 'hidden state' (often referred to as h_naught and denoted h_0) of the RNN cell
state_at_t_minus_1 = tf.zeros(shape=(batch, hidden_cell_units))

# Iterate through the input until all timesteps in the sequence have been 'seen' by the GRU cell function 'f'
for timestep_t in total_timesteps:
    # This is of shape (batch, features)
    input_at_t = inputs[:, timestep_t, :]

    # output_at_t of shape (batch, hidden_units_of_cell) and state_at_t (batch, hidden_units_of_cell)
    output_at_t, state_at_t = f(input_at_t, state_at_t_minus_1)

    # When the loop restarts, this variable will be used in the next GRU Cell function call 'f'
    state_at_t_minus_1 = state_at_t

可能希望在循环逻辑的 for 循环中添加其他步骤(例如,密集层、其他层等)以修改传递给 GRU 单元函数“f”的输入和状态。这是 DynamicRNN 的动机之一。
