首页 > 解决方案 > change a value in xamarin forms through a website


I'm kind of new to Xamarin and I have a simple problem but no idea to how do that.

I have written an app with Xamarin forms. the problem is Here that I want user connect to my website do sth and then come back to the app. I need to change a Boolean in Xamarin to true when the task is done in website.

how I can get this information (just turn a false to true) from web? I have no idea so any help will appreciated.

标签: xamarinxamarin.formsxamarin.androidxamarin.iosdatabase-connection


  1. 确定 JS 上的函数名称。
  2. 用于webView.EvaluateJavascript("javascript: callJS();", new EvaluateBack());获取对应方法的回调值。查看此链接以获取更多信息:如何在 Android 中运行 Java Script 函数并获得返回?
