首页 > 解决方案 > 字典的平均值


使用来自 sklearn 的 iris 数据集。我正在应用感知器拆分数据,在字典中记录分数,该字典将用于拟合模型的样本大小(键)映射到相应的分数(作为元组的训练和测试分数)

当我运行循环 3 次时,这给出了 3 个字典。如何找到 3 次迭代的平均分数?我试图将字典存储在一个列表和平均值中,但它没有用


{21: (0.85, 0.82), 52: (0.80, 0.62), 73: (0.82, 0.45), 94: (0.81, 0.78)}
{21: (0.95, 0.91), 52: (0.80, 0.89), 73: (0.84, 0.87), 94: (0.79, 0.41)}
{21: (0.809, 0.83), 52: (0.841, 0.77), 73: (0.84, 0.44), 94: (0.79, 0.33)}

输出应该是{21:(0.869,0.853),52.....}键 21 的值的第一个元素是 0.85+0.95+0.809/3,第二个元素是 0.82+0.91+0.83/3

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

iris = load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(data= np.c_[iris['data'], iris['target']], columns= iris['feature_names'] + ['target'])
y=df[list(df.loc[:,df.columns.values =='target'])]
X=df[list(df.loc[:,df.columns.values !='target'])]

# number of trials
for i in range(3):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, train_size=0.7)
    results = {}
    for i in props:
        size = int(i*len(X_train))
        ix = np.random.choice(X_train.index, size=size, replace = False)
        sampleX = X_train.loc[ix]
        sampleY = y_train.loc[ix]
        #apply model
        modelP = Perceptron(tol=1e-3)
        modelP.fit(sampleX, sampleY)
        train_score = modelP.score(sampleX,sampleY)
        test_score = modelP.score(X_test,y_test)
        #store in dictionary
        results[size] = (train_score, test_score)



标签: pythonpandasdictionarymachine-learning


  • 更新现有循环以保存resultslist,rl
  • 加载rl到数据框中,因为您已经在使用 pandas
  • 将 的列展开tuples为单独的列
  • 用于.agg获取指标
  • 测试python 3.8pandas 1.3.1
    • f-strings(例如f'TrS{c}', f'TeS{c}')要求python >= 3.6


# select columns for X and y
y = df.loc[:, 'target']
X = df.loc[:, iris['feature_names']]

# number of trials
rl = list()  # add: save results to a list
for i in range(3):
    results = {}
    for i in props:
    rl.append(results)  # add: append results


  • 转换metrics为 a listoftuples比 a tupleof容易tuples,因为 atuple一旦创建就不可更改。这意味着tuples可以添加到现有的list,但不能添加到现有的tuple
    • 因此,更容易使用defaultdict创建 a listof tuples,然后将每个值转换为 a tuplewith map
    • k[3:]要求数字始终从index 3
from collections import defaultdict

# convert rl to a dataframe
rl = [{21: (0.5714285714285714, 0.6888888888888889), 52: (0.6153846153846154, 0.7111111111111111), 73: (0.7123287671232876, 0.6222222222222222), 94: (0.7127659574468085, 0.6)}, {21: (0.6190476190476191, 0.6444444444444445), 52: (0.6923076923076923, 0.6444444444444445), 73: (0.3698630136986301, 0.35555555555555557), 94: (0.7978723404255319, 0.7777777777777778)}, {21: (0.8095238095238095, 0.5555555555555556), 52: (0.7307692307692307, 0.5555555555555556), 73: (0.7534246575342466, 0.5777777777777777), 94: (0.6170212765957447, 0.7555555555555555)}]
df = pd.DataFrame(rl)

# display(df)
                                         21                                        52                                         73                                        94
0  (0.5714285714285714, 0.6888888888888889)  (0.6153846153846154, 0.7111111111111111)   (0.7123287671232876, 0.6222222222222222)                 (0.7127659574468085, 0.6)
1  (0.6190476190476191, 0.6444444444444445)  (0.6923076923076923, 0.6444444444444445)  (0.3698630136986301, 0.35555555555555557)  (0.7978723404255319, 0.7777777777777778)
2  (0.8095238095238095, 0.5555555555555556)  (0.7307692307692307, 0.5555555555555556)   (0.7534246575342466, 0.5777777777777777)  (0.6170212765957447, 0.7555555555555555)

# expand the tuples
for c in df.columns:
    df[[f'TrS{c}', f'TeS{c}']] = pd.DataFrame(df[c].tolist(), index= df.index)
    df.drop(c, axis=1, inplace=True)

# get the mean and std
metrics = df.agg(['mean', 'std']).round(3)

# display(metrics)
      TrS21  TeS21  TrS52  TeS52  TrS73  TeS73  TrS94  TeS94
mean  0.667  0.630  0.679  0.637  0.612  0.519  0.709  0.711
std   0.126  0.068  0.059  0.078  0.211  0.143  0.090  0.097

# convert to dict
dd = defaultdict(list)

for k, v in metrics.to_dict().items(): 
dd = dict(zip(dd, map(tuple, dd.values())))

{21: ((0.667, 0.126), (0.63, 0.068)),
 52: ((0.679, 0.059), (0.637, 0.078)),
 73: ((0.612, 0.211), (0.519, 0.143)),
 94: ((0.709, 0.09), (0.711, 0.097))}
