首页 > 解决方案 > Multiple Item Objects In Redux Store


I have following store on Redux:

  "forgotPassword": {
    "item": {
      "error": "ok",
      "params": {
        "email": "test@asd.com"
    "fetchEmail": {
      "loading": false,
      "error": null
    "fetchChangePassword": {
      "loading": false,
      "error": null
  "_persist": {
    "version": -1,
    "rehydrated": true

But I want my store like this:

The difference is item object is there for both fetchEmail and fetchChangePassword objects.

  "forgotPassword": {
    "fetchEmail": {
      "item": {
          "error": "ok",
          "params": {
              "email": "test@asd.com"
      "loading": false,
      "error": null
    "fetchChangePassword": {
      "item": {
          "error": "ok",
          "params": {
              "email": "test@asd.com"
      "loading": false,
      "error": null
  "_persist": {
    "version": -1,
    "rehydrated": true

This is my file structure;


export default {
  initialState: buildAsyncState('fetchEmail'),
  action: buildAsyncActions('forgotPassword/fetchEmail', fetchEmailService),
  reducers: buildAsyncReducers({
    errorKey: 'fetchEmail.error', 
    loadingKey: 'fetchEmail.loading',

export default {
  initialState: buildAsyncState('fetchChangePassword'),
  action: buildAsyncActions('forgotPassword/fetchChangePassword', fetchChangePasswordService),
  reducers: buildAsyncReducers({
    errorKey: 'fetchChangePassword.error',
    loadingKey: 'fetchChangePassword.loading',


import FetchEmail from './FetchEmail'
import FetchChangePassword from './FetchChangePassword'

const sliceInitialState = {
  item: {},

export default buildSlice('forgotPassword', [FetchEmail, FetchChangePassword], sliceInitialState).reducer

I have tried following changes:

Changed item objects accordingly.

const sliceInitialState = {
  itemEmail: {},
  itemChangePassword: {},

Added following to my reducers:

itemKey: 'fetchChangePassword.itemFetch',

itemKey: 'fetchChangePassword.itemChangePassword',

How can I add item object to my reducers separately?

标签: react-nativereduxredux-toolkit

