首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我在 MySQL 的延迟作业表上出现死锁?


我总是在早上知道我的所有查询都被阻塞了,当我在数据库上执行 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS 时,我总是会在延迟的作业表上发生死锁。


  1. 如果我们需要任何新工作,我们将数据插入到这个延迟工作表中。
  2. 当 crontab 拾取任何作业时,它将更新同一张表中的“loacked_at”列。
  3. 当作业完成时,它将从延迟作业表中删除该行。

可能是由于这个原因,所有 cronjob 都没有按预期工作。此外,表没有更多的行。


 2021-08-11 05:17:18 0x2abdcb005700
 TRANSACTION 1620501456, ACTIVE 0 sec fetching rows
 mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
 LOCK WAIT 6 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 20 row lock(s)
 MySQL thread id 207128, OS thread handle 47005828933376, query id 28453970720 root Searching rows for update
 UPDATE `delayed_jobs` SET `delayed_jobs`.`locked_at` = '2021-08-11 05:17:18', `delayed_jobs`.`locked_by` = 'delayed_job.10 host:ip-10-0-0-77 pid:26747' WHERE ((run_at <= '2021-08-11 05:17:18.126260' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2021-08-09 05:17:18.126272') OR locked_by = 'delayed_job.10 host:ip-10-0-0-11 pid:26747') AND failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC LIMIT 1
 *** (1) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
 RECORD LOCKS space id 11874 page no 5 n bits 904 index delayed_jobs_priority of table `plum_production`.`delayed_jobs` trx id 1620501456 lock_mode X
 Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa5563d7; asc   Uc ;;
  2: len 4; hex 80232ba7; asc  #+ ;;
 Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa5570ba; asc   Up ;;
  2: len 4; hex 802398cc; asc  #  ;;
 Record lock, heap no 4 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa5571c9; asc   Uq ;;
  2: len 4; hex 80239c5e; asc  # ^;;
 Record lock, heap no 5 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa557ca1; asc   U| ;;
  2: len 4; hex 8023c1df; asc  #  ;;
 Record lock, heap no 6 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56420b; asc   VB ;;
  2: len 4; hex 8024264e; asc  $&N;;
 Record lock, heap no 7 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa5646e0; asc   VF ;;
  2: len 4; hex 8024c5d7; asc  $  ;;
 Record lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa565118; asc   VQ ;;
  2: len 4; hex 80251b54; asc  % T;;
 Record lock, heap no 9 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56537b; asc   VS{;;
  2: len 4; hex 80256288; asc  %b ;;
 Record lock, heap no 130 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 32
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56544e; asc   VTN;;
  2: len 4; hex 802569f5; asc  %i ;;
 Record lock, heap no 283 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56544e; asc   VTN;;
  2: len 4; hex 802569f9; asc  %i ;;
 Record lock, heap no 457 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 32
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56544d; asc   VTM;;
  2: len 4; hex 802569f0; asc  %i ;;
 RECORD LOCKS space id 11874 page no 4 n bits 200 index PRIMARY of table `plum_production`.`delayed_jobs` trx id 1620501456 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
 Record lock, heap no 124 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 14; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 802569f9; asc  %i ;;
  1: len 6; hex 00006096e3d1; asc   `   ;;
  2: len 7; hex 020000a6cf03ef; asc        ;;
  3: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  4: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
  5: len 7; hex 64656661756c74; asc default;;
  6: len 20; hex 00002e6200016bd0000000010000000000005570; asc   .b  k           Up;;
  7: len 20; hex 00002e6200016bfd00000001000000000000280f; asc   .b  k           ( ;;
  8: len 5; hex 99aa565458; asc   VTX;;
  9: SQL NULL;
  10: SQL NULL;
  11: SQL NULL;
  12: len 5; hex 99aa56544e; asc   VTN;;
  13: len 5; hex 99aa565452; asc   VTR;;
 TRANSACTION 1620501457, ACTIVE 0 sec updating or deleting
 mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
 LOCK WAIT 3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
 MySQL thread id 207079, OS thread handle 46952045086464, query id 28453970751 root updating
 UPDATE `delayed_jobs` SET `last_error` = 'Mysql2::Error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction: DELETE FROM `delayed_jobs` WHERE `delayed_jobs`.`id` = 2451961\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:131:in `_query\'\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:131:in `block in query\'\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:130:in `handle_interrupt\'\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:130:in `query\'\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/activerecord-5.2.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb:187:in `block (2 levels) in execute\'\n/var/www/apps/plumslice/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/activesupport-5.2.3/lib/active_support/dependencies/interlock
 *** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
 RECORD LOCKS space id 11874 page no 4 n bits 200 index PRIMARY of table `plum_production`.`delayed_jobs` trx id 1620501457 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
 Record lock, heap no 124 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 14; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 802569f9; asc  %i ;;
  1: len 6; hex 00006096e3d1; asc   `   ;;
  2: len 7; hex 020000a6cf03ef; asc        ;;
  3: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  4: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
  5: len 7; hex 64656661756c74; asc default;;
  6: len 20; hex 00002e6200016bd0000000010000000000005570; asc   .b  k           Up;;
  7: len 20; hex 00002e6200016bfd00000001000000000000280f; asc   .b  k           ( ;;
  8: len 5; hex 99aa565458; asc   VTX;;
  9: SQL NULL;
  10: SQL NULL;
  11: SQL NULL;
  12: len 5; hex 99aa56544e; asc   VTN;;
  13: len 5; hex 99aa565452; asc   VTR;;
 RECORD LOCKS space id 11874 page no 5 n bits 904 index delayed_jobs_priority of table `plum_production`.`delayed_jobs` trx id 1620501457 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
 Record lock, heap no 283 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
  1: len 5; hex 99aa56544e; asc   VTN;;
  2: len 4; hex 802569f9; asc  %i ;;

我是 MYSQL 技术的新手,请告诉我,我在哪里做错了或者背后的原因是什么。

标签: mysqldeadlockdelayed-job

