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具有列 entity_id、termination_date 的表实体

    entity_id       termination_date
    401             1/20/21
    414             6/10/21

表 entity_detail,列 entity_id、entity_detail_id、termination_date

entity_id   entity_detail_id    
425         401                 
425         414                 
425         402
425         403    

具有列 entity_id、period_end_date、one_month 的表套

entity_id   period_end_date   one_month
401         12/31/20              50
401         1/31/21               100
414         5/31/21               200
414         6/30/21               300

402         7/31/21               400
403         7/31/21               500

具有列 entity_id、period_end_date、one_month 的表 agg

entity_id   period_end_date   one_month
425         7/31/21           I want this value = 400+500+100+300

entity_id 425 是实体 401,402,403,414 的聚合。

entity_id 401 已于 21 年 1 月 20 日终止。21 年 1 月 31 日之后,该实体的表套中没有数据。

entity_id 414 已于 21 年 6 月 10 日终止。21 年 6 月 30 日之后,该实体的表套中没有数据。

对于 21 年 7 月 31 日实体 425 的 agg 表,我们要为以下内容添加 one_month:

400 (from entity_id 402 - 7/31/21)
+500 (from entity_id 403 - 7/31/21)
+100 (from entity_id 401 - 1/31/21, the last month it exists, it's terminated on 1/20/21)
+300 (from entity_id 414 - 6/30/21, the last month it exists, it's terminated on 6/10/21)

我们如何创建一个查询来总结 21 年 7 月 31 日的袖子实体的 one_month,以及它存在的上个月的终止实体(在上面的数据示例中为 400+500+100+300)?

我们在存储过程中执行此操作,因此不必在 1 个查询中。

此编辑后的查询(基于答案)将导致 Total_One_Month = 1800(而不是 900)

with entity as
select  425 as entity_id, null as termination_date from dual union 
select  402 as entity_id, null as termination_date from dual union 
select  403 as entity_id, null as termination_date from dual    
entity_detail as
select  425 as entity_id, 402 as entity_detail_id from dual union all
select  425 as entity_id, 403 as entity_detail_id from dual
sleeve as 
select  402 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('7/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as 
period_end_date, 400 as one_month from dual union all
select  403 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('7/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as 
period_end_date, 500 as one_month from dual
select r2.entity_id,max(r2.period_end_date), max(r2.sum_one_mth_ped1) 
max(r2.sum_one_mth_ped1)+sum(nvl(s2.one_month,0)) as total_one_month
select r1.entity_id, max(r1.period_end_date) as period_end_date, 
max(r1.sum_one_mth_ped1) as sum_one_mth_ped1,
max(e.termination_date) as termination_date, 
max(s.period_end_date) as period_end_date, 
sum(s.one_month) as sum_one_mth_ped1
from entity_detail ed 
join sleeve s on ed.entity_detail_id=s.sleeve_entity_id
where s.period_end_date = to_date('07/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY')
group by ed.entity_id
) r1
left join entity e on trim(r1.entity_id) = trim(e.entity_id)
left join entity_detail ed on trim(e.entity_id) = trim(ed.entity_id) 
left join entity l5 on trim(ed.entity_detail_id) = trim(l5.entity_id) and l5.termination_date is not null
group by r1.entity_id, ed.entity_detail_id
) r2
 left join (
 select * from (
 select sleeve_entity_id, period_end_date, one_month, row_number() over (partition by sleeve_entity_id order by period_end_date desc) as latest_rec
 from sleeve) where latest_rec=1 ) s2
  on r2.entity_detail_id=s2.sleeve_entity_id
 group by  r2.entity_id;


标签: sqloracleoracle11gsum


entity as
    select 401 as entity_id,   to_date('12/31/2020','MM/DD/YYYY') as termination_date from dual union all
    select 401 as entity_id,   to_date('01/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as termination_date from dual union all
    select 414 as entity_id,   to_date('05/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as termination_date from dual union all
    select 414 as entity_id,   to_date('06/10/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as termination_date from dual union all
    select 402 as entity_id,  null as termination_date from dual union all
    select 403 as entity_id,  null as termination_date from dual
entity_detail as
      select  425 as entity_id, 401 as entity_detail_id from dual union all
    select  425 as entity_id, 414 as entity_detail_id from dual union all
    select  425 as entity_id, 402 as entity_detail_id from dual union all
    select  425 as entity_id, 403 as entity_detail_id from dual
    sleeve as 
    select  401 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('12/31/2020','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 50 as one_month from dual union all
    select  401 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('1/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 100 as one_month from dual union all
    select  414 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('5/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 200 as one_month from dual union all
    select  414 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('6/30/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 300 as one_month from dual union all
    select  402 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('7/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 400 as one_month from dual union all
    select  403 as sleeve_entity_id, to_date('7/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY') as period_end_date, 500 as one_month from dual
select r2.entity_id, max(r2.period_end_date), max(r2.sum_one_mth_ped1)+sum(nvl(s2.one_month,0)) as total_one_month
    select r1.entity_id, max(r1.period_end_date) as period_end_date, max(r1.sum_one_mth_ped1) as sum_one_mth_ped1,
max(ed2.termination_date) as termination_date, ed2.entity_detail_id
    max(s.period_end_date) as period_end_date, 
    sum(s.one_month) as sum_one_mth_ped1
    from entity_detail ed 
    join sleeve s on ed.entity_detail_id=s.sleeve_entity_id
    where s.period_end_date = to_date('07/31/2021','MM/DD/YYYY')
    group by ed.entity_id
left join (select ed.entity_id,  e.entity_id as entity_detail_id, e.termination_date 
                from entity e inner join entity_detail ed on e.entity_id=ed.entity_detail_id 
                where e.termination_date is not null
on r1.entity_id=ed2.entity_id
group by r1.entity_id, ed2.entity_detail_id
) r2
     left join (
     select * from (
     select sleeve_entity_id, period_end_date, one_month, row_number() over(partition by sleeve_entity_id order by period_end_date desc) as latest_rec
from sleeve) where latest_rec=1 ) s2
      on r2.entity_detail_id=s2.sleeve_entity_id
group by  r2.entity_id;
