首页 > 解决方案 > New-ADUser :对象名称的语法错误。Powershell Docx 导入错误


我正在尝试从 word 文档创建新的 Active Directory 用户。但是我在创建用户的过程中遇到了一个问题,其中脚本说“对象名称有错误的语法”我已将问题缩小到下面代码的“New-ADUser:”部分

# Import active directory module for running AD cmdlets
Import-Module activedirectory
#Create word application object
$word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application

#Assign document path
$documentPath = Read-host => [Enter Template to use Ex:"C:\Users\username\Desktop\employeeform.docx"]

#open the document
$document = $word.Documents.Open($documentPath)

#list all tables in doc
$document.Tables | ft

#get info from a certain part of the table

$pager = $document.Tables[1].Cell(4,2).range.text
$fname = $document.Tables[1].Cell(6,2).range.text
$lname = $document.Tables[1].Cell(8,2).range.text
$fn1 = $fname.Substring(0,1)
$username = "$fn1$lname"
$jobtitle = $document.Tables[1].Cell(15,2).range.text
$department = $document.Tables[1].Cell(16,2).range.text
$manager = $document.Tables[1].Cell(17,2).range.text
$pagernumber = $pager.Substring(17)
$template = Read-host => [Enter Template to use Ex:MedicalAssistant]
#folder = $User.folder 

Write-Output $documentPath
Write-Output $template


#Check to see if the user already exists in AD
if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $username})
     #If user does exist, give a warning
     Write-Warning "A user account with username $username already exist in Active Directory."
    #User does not exist then proceed to create the new user account 
    New-ADUser `
    -SamAccountName $username `
    -Name "$fname $lname" `
    -GivenName $fname `
    -Surname $lname `
    -Enabled $True `
    -DisplayName "$lname $fname" `
    -Company "Companyname" `
    -AccountPassword (convertto-securestring "Password" -AsPlainText -Force)`
    -HomeDrive "X:" `
    -ScriptPath "K32.exe" `
    -OtherAttributes @{pager=$pagernumber} `
    -Title $jobtitle `
    -Department $department `
    -Description $jobtitle `
    #-Manager $manager `  
   #-HomeDirectory $folder `


#Close the document

#Close Word


在搜索谷歌之后,似乎出现了这个问题,因为我如何将文档导入到脚本中,这使得变量对象而不是字符串,但我不确定如何导入文档以便变量作为字符串导入。我试图使用 | Out-String,这并没有改变我的错误信息,所以谷歌可能让我误入歧途。

标签: powershellactive-directory


确保您从表中读取的变量已修剪且不为空 ($null)。

最好将该表重新创建为 CSV,您可以在其中更好地控制数据,而不必摆弄 Word.Application COM 对象。

另外,我建议使用将参数喷溅到 New-ADUser,这样您就可以摆脱使用所有那些讨厌的反引号(当它后面有换行符以外的任何内容时,这会给您带来错误..)

$userProps = @{
    SamAccountName  = $username
    Name            = "$fname $lname"
    GivenName       = $fname
    Surname         = $lname
    Enabled         = $True
    DisplayName     = "$lname $fname"
    Company         = "Companyname"
    AccountPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password" -AsPlainText -Force)
    HomeDrive       = "X:"
    ScriptPath      = "K32.exe"
    OtherAttributes = @{pager=$pagernumber}
    Title           = $jobtitle
    Department      = $department
    Description     = $jobtitle
    # Manager       = $manager
    # HomeDirectory = $folder

New-ADUser @userProps
