首页 > 解决方案 > 将3个或更多相似词合并为一个词python



0         i only need uxy to hit 20 eod to make up for a...
1                                        oh this isn’t good
2         account account account has a lot of issues...
3         i'm tempted to drop my last 800 into some stup...
4         the sell offs will will will will will continue until moral improves.


names = ['is','account','will']

如果该行包含列表中的 3 个或更多单词,我想将它们合并为一个单词。例如row has account account account有很多问题。我希望我的行看起来像这个帐户有很多问题

0         i only need uxy to hit 20 eod to make up for a...
1                                        oh this isn’t good
2         account has a lot of issues...
3         i'm tempted to drop my last 800 into some stup...
4         the sell offs will continue until moral improves.

标签: pythondataframe



for name in ['is', 'account', 'will']:
    yourList = list(re.sub(r"("+name+"\s){2,}", name+" ", txt) for txt in yourList)


yourList = ["the sell offs will will will will will continue until moral improves.",
            "the sell offs will will will will will is is continue until moral improves.",
            "will will is is is is account account"]


['the sell offs will continue until moral improves.',
 'the sell offs will is continue until moral improves.', 
 'will is account account']
