首页 > 解决方案 > Discord.js - 秘密获取用户输入


我正在使用 Discord.js 制作一个 2 人石头剪刀布游戏。

遗憾的是,Discord API 真的很慢,而且 afaik 不提供任何类型的中间件。当有人选择他们的形状时,其他人会在很长一段时间内看到反应(或聊天消息),直到机器人将其删除,从而破坏整个游戏。


另一种选择是在聊天中发送一条消息,只有特定用户才能看到。它可以说类似“1 = 剪刀,2 = 石头,3 = 纸”。(映射对于每个玩家都是随机的)。然后用户从选项 1、2 和 3 中选择相应的反应。但似乎 Discord 不允许在聊天中发送消息,只有特定用户才能看到。或者有什么办法吗?


API 是否可能为我忽略的消息或反应提供任何类型的中间件?

标签: javascriptnode.jsdiscorddiscord.js


Discord does not allow to send a message in chat, which only a specific user can see. Or is there a way?

No, there isn't. Discord API doesn't allow you to specify users that can see a specific guild message.

And is there any way of secetly getting user-input without the user having to switch chats?

There definitely is!

You could use a fairly new feature, buttons. Below is an example code, you can use to base your game on. Things left to implement are:

  • Gamestate, e.g. who is on turn, who has how much points, etc.
  • Update gamestates (identify gamestate by id?) in the interactionCreate event's callback.
  • Showing the gamestate to the players, e.g. updating the original message.
  • Don't allow players to modify the gamestate of other playing pairs.
  • Let the user specify an opponent in !createGame command.
  • The actual game logic (determining who won, who gets a point, etc.)

That is all I can think of for now. Take those more of a suggestions than requirements. There is no boundary to ones creativity.

// ... Some object to store the gamestates in? ...

client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
    // Don't reply to bots
    if (message.author.bot) return;

    // Basic command handler, just for showcasing the buttons
    if (message.content.startsWith("!createGame")) {

        // ... Probably some argument handling for the opponent (e.g. a mention) ...

        // Create an action row component with buttons attached to it
        const actionRow = new Discord.MessageActionRow()
                [["Rock", ""], ["Paper", ""], ["Scissors", "✂️"]].map((buttonProperties) => {
                    return new Discord.MessageButton()

        // Send the game message/playground
            content: "Rock, Paper and Scissors: The game!",
            components: [actionRow]


To handle the button clicks, we use the interactionCreate event.

client.on("interactionCreate", (interaction) => {
    // If the interaction is a button
    if (interaction.isButton()) {
        // If the button belongs to our game
        if (interaction.customId.startsWith("rpsgame")) {
            // Log what the user has selected to console, as a test
            console.log(`A user '${interaction.member.user.tag}' selected ${interaction.component.emoji.name}.`);
            // Don't forget to reply to an interaction,
            // otherwise an error will be shown on discord.
            interaction.update("Update GameState...");

enter image description here

No one will see what the other users have selected, unless you want them to.

enter image description here

Using discord.js ^13.0.1. If you are on v12, there is a nice package called discord-buttons.
