首页 > 解决方案 > 通过父窗体上的按钮创建新记录并从父窗体插入数据以在子窗体 Access/SQL Server 上查询



我的父表单是 GroupSummaryDetails,我的子表单是 Event。PRAC_ID 是连接到子窗体的父窗体中的主键。Event 表单有一个以 event_ID 作为主键的表,但它们是通过查询 PRAC_ID 上的 Event 表单来连接的。


我对 Access 中的表单非常陌生。我在后端运行 Access 2016 和 SQL Server。


在其他各种事情中,我在按钮后面使用 vba 尝试过(当然一次一个):

Dim stDocName As String <br>
Dim stLinkCrteria As String <br>

stLinkCriteria = "[PRAC_ID]=" & "'" & Me![PRAC_ID] & "'"

stDocName = "Event"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

 'This method, which is an append query attempt to append what appears to be the current two records in the table, which it can't due to primary key restraints and which isn't what I want anyway
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qEventAdd"

'This method opens a completely blanks form, no fields or labels, etc
DoCmd.OpenForm "Event",
    WhereCondition:="PRAC_ID=" & "'" & Me.PRAC_ID & "'"

'This method opens first record in event table
DoCmd.OpenForm "Event", , , , acFormAdd

'This line says you cannot use gotorecord action or method on an object in design view even though it's in form view
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Event", acNewRec

'Using the following two lines it inserts a new record to the table
'but how do I open it?
strSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo_events([PRAC_ID])VALUES(Forms!GroupSummaryDetails!PRAC_ID)"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

标签: sql-serverms-access-2016

