首页 > 解决方案 > VBA 有条件地将工作表导出为 pdf 文件(循环下拉列表和工作表)


每个月我都有一个仪表板,需要为下拉列表中提供的每个人创建一个 pdf。我创建了一个循环遍历该下拉列表并为每个人创建一个 pdf 的代码。我的一位老板要求我根据他们是否满足特定条件向该 pdf 添加页面。我在不同的工作表上创建了该页面的一个版本,我希望循环遍历下拉列表中的每个人,但如果其他工作表满足附加该工作表的条件,也将它们附加到同一 pdf 的末尾。









Sub VenA()
  c00 = "File Path" 'Just change the path
  ar = Sheets("People").ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
  lm = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, Date), "yyyymm")
  With Sheets("Original")
    For j = 1 To UBound(ar)
      .Range("E3") = ar(j, 1)
      .ExportAsFixedFormat 0, c00 & "Report_" & lm & "_" & ar(j, 2) & ".pdf"
    Next j
  End With
End Sub

因此,我需要添加到该循环中,以便每次检查原始工作表中的范围,如果条件为是,则将相应的工作表附加到导出的 pdf 中。


标签: excelvbaloops





' Purpose: Conditionally export sheets that meet criteria as single PDF  

Sub SheetsAsPDF()

Const cESheets As String = "Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3,Sheet4,Sheet5"                  ' Sheet List
Const cSheet As String = "Dashboard"                                            ' Source Worksheet
Const cRange As String = "B105:B108"                                            ' Source Range Address
Const cCrit As Long = 1                                                         ' Criteria

Const c00 As String = "J:\g"    ' File Path

Dim dwb As Workbook    ' Export Workbook
Dim sws As Worksheet   ' Export Worksheet
Dim Cell As Range      ' Current Cell Range (For Each Control Variable)
Dim vntS() As String   ' Sheet Array
Dim j As Long          ' Range Array Element (Row) Counter
Dim i As Long          ' Range Array Element (Row) Counter
Dim iFound As Long     ' Target Element (Row) Counter

ar = Sheets("People").ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange                           ' Get Names
gs = Sheets("Dashboard").ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange                           ' Get Sheets
lm = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, Date), "yyyymm")                                   ' Last Month
vntS = Split(cESheets, ",") ' Copy (split) sheet names from Sheet List to 1D 0-based Sheet Array.

Set sws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Trim(vntS(0)))

With Sheets("Dashboard")
  For j = 1 To UBound(ar)
  .Range("G7") = ar(j, 1)
    For Each Cell In sws.Range(cRange).Cells
        If Cell.Value = cCrit Then
            iFound = 1
            Exit For
        End If
    Next Cell
    If iFound = 0 Then Exit Sub


    ' **********************************
    ' Copy Sheets to New Workbook
    ' **********************************

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set dwb = ActiveWorkbook
    iFound = 0
    For Each Cell In sws.Range(cRange).Cells
        iFound = iFound + 1
        If Cell.Value = cCrit Then
            sws.Parent.Worksheets(Trim(vntS(iFound))).Copy _
        End If

    ' **********************************
    ' Export New Workbook to PDF
    ' **********************************

    With dwb
        .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
                Filename:=c00 & "RVU_Bonus_Report_" & lm & "_" & ar(j, 2) & ".pdf", _
                Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
                IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
        .Close False
    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  Next j
End With

End Sub



Sub SheetsAsPDF()

Const cSheets As String = "Dashboard,Ed165,Ed125,Ed130,Ed122" ' Sheet List
Const cSheet As String = "Dashboard"                   ' Source Worksheet
Const cRange As String = "B104:B108"                    ' Source Range Address
Const cCrit As Long = 1                             ' Criteria

Dim wb As Workbook    ' Export Workbook
Dim Cell As Range     ' Current Cell Range (For Each Control Variable)
Dim vntS As Variant   ' Sheet Array
Dim vntR As Variant   ' Range Array
Dim i As Long         ' Range Array Element (Row) Counter
Dim iTarget As Long   ' Target Element (Row) Counter
c00 = "J:\GenericFilePath" 'Just change the path
ar = Sheets("People").ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
lm = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, Date), "yyyymm")

' **********************************
' Copy Sheets to New workbook.
' **********************************

' Reset Target Counter.
iTarget = -1

' Copy (split) sheet names from Sheet List to 1D 0-based Sheet Array.
vntS = Split(cSheets, ",")

' Copy Source Range in Source Worksheet to 2D 1-based 1-column Range Array.
vntR = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cSheet).Range(cRange)
' Loop through elements (rows) of Range Array (in its first (only) column).
' Note: Not obvious, one might say that the elements (rows) of Sheet Array
' are 'also being looped', but the counter is by 1 less.
With Sheets("Dashboard")
  For j = 1 To UBound(ar)
  .Range("E3") = ar(j, 1)
    For i = 1 To UBound(vntR)
        ' Check if current value in Range Array (vntR) is equal to Criteria
        ' (cCrit). Range Array is 2D (,1).
        If vntR(i, 1) = cCrit Then  ' Current value is equal to Criteria.
            ' Counter (add 1 to) Target Counter (iTarget).
            iTarget = iTarget + 1
            ' Write value of current element (row) of Sheet Array to the
            ' 'iTarget-th' element (row). Note: Values are being overwritten.
            ' Remarks
              ' Sheet Array is a zero-based array i.e. the index number of its
              ' first element is 0, NOT 1. Therefore i - 1 has to be used,
              ' which was previously indicated with 'also being looped'.
              ' Trim is used to avoid mistakes if the Sheet Name List is not
              ' properly written e.g. "Sheet1, Sheet2,Sheet3,  Sheet4".
            vntS(iTarget) = Trim(vntS(i - 1))
          'Else                      ' Current value is NOT equal to Criteria.
        End If
    Next ' Element (row) of Range Array (vntR).
    ' Check if there were any values that were equal to Criteria (cCrit) i.e.
    ' if there are any worksheets to export.
    If iTarget = -1 Then Exit Sub
    ' Resize Sheet Array to the value (number) of Target Counter (iTarget).
    ReDim Preserve vntS(iTarget) ' Note: Values are being deleted.
    ' Copy sheets of Sheet Array to New Workbook.
    ' Remarks
      ' When Copy (for copying sheets) is used without arguments, it will copy
      ' a sheet (array) to a NEW workbook.

    ' **********************************
    ' Export New Workbook to PDF
    ' **********************************

    ' Create a reference (wb) to New Workbook which became the ActiveWorkbook
    ' after it had previously been 'created' using the Copy method.
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    ' In New Workbook
    With wb
        ' Export New Workbook to PDF.
        wb.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
                Filename:=c00 & "RVU_Bonus_Report_" & lm & "_" & ar(j, 2) & ".pdf", _
                Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
                IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
        ' Close New Workbook. False suppresses the message that asks for
        ' saving it.
        wb.Close False
        ' Remarks:
        ' Change this if you might want to save this version of New Workbook
        ' e.g.
        'wb.SaveAs "WB" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
    End With
  Next j
End With
End Sub

到目前为止,这就是我最终得到的结果,while 和第一个 for 循环遍历下拉列表。第二个循环遍历每个单元格以查找 1 或 0,如果 1 将它们保存到新文件,第三个循环循环打开该保存的文件并将其导出为 PDF。


vntS(iTarget) = Trim(vntS(i - 1))

我假设它正在中断,因为 i 或 iTarget 没有重置,并且它的数字已经超出了循环。我尝试将 iTarget = 1 添加到 end 和 next J 之前,这确实会循环遍历所有人,但会为所有人打印所有 5 个工作表,并且不会根据条件按 4 个工作表的条件过滤它们。

原始代码: Excel VBA 将基于单元格值的特定工作表导出为 PDF
