首页 > 解决方案 > 在 FLASK WEBFRAMEWORK 中获取 POST 请求错误 405


我已经查看了与此相关的问题的答案,但即便如此,我的问题仍然存在。基本上我正在烧瓶中制作登录页面。记录存在于我的数据库中我还在 html、app 中使用了 method = POST 但即使这样我也收到此错误输出: 输出


<form method="POST">
<div class="row">
  <h2 style="text-align:center; font-family:Courier New; color:#468E85" > Welcome this will be amazing experience:) </h2>
  <div class="vl">
    <span class="vl-innertext">or</span>

  <div class="col">
    <a href="https://web.facebook.com/" class="fb btn">
      <i class="fa fa-facebook fa-fw"></i> Login with Facebook
    <a href="https://twittermobile..com/login" class="twitter btn">
      <i class="fa fa-twitter fa-fw"></i> Login with Twitter
    <a href="https://myaccount.google.com/" class="google btn"><i class="fa fa-google fa-fw">
      </i> Login with Google+

  <div class="col">
    <div class="hide-md-lg">
  <label for="username">Username</label>
    <input type="" id="username" name="username" placeholder="Username" value="{{
      request.form.username }}" required>
   <label for="psw">Password</label>

<input type="password" id="psw" name="psw" pattern="(?=. \d)(?=. [az])(?=.*[AZ]).{8,}" title="必须包含至少一个数字和一个大小写字母,至少8个或更多字符" value="{{ request.form.password }}"required>

<button type="submit" class="btn form-control btn-default">Login</button>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Sign Up</button>
    <div class="msg">{{ msg }}</div>

  <button class="submit" style="color: #008080">Forgot password?</button>




@app.route('/loginform' , methods= ['GET','POST'])
def loginform():
    # Check if "username" and "password" POST requests exist (user submitted form)
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'username' in request.form and 'password' in request.form:
    # Create variables for easy access
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
   #Check if account exists using MySQL
       cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = %s AND password = %s', (username,     password,))
    # Fetch one record and return result
      account = cursor.fetchone()
        if account is not None:
        # Create session data, we can access this data in other routes
            session['loggedin'] = True
            session['id'] = account['id']
            session['username'] = account['username']
        # Redirect to home page
            print("I am called")
            return redirect('Quickshop.html')
    print("now i am here")
    # Account doesnt exist or username/password incorrect
    msg = 'Incorrect username/password!'
    return render_template('loginform.html',msg = msg)

标签: pythonhtmlcssformsflask


您的 from 标记中的显式操作属性,并且您没有分配值。


<form method="POST" action="/loginform">                                                                                                                                         
<input type="text" placeholder="Username" name="username" />                             
<input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" />                      
<input type="submit" value="Login" />                                                

您可以在 request.form 中找到密码和用户名。
