首页 > 解决方案 > 自动将数据从 Google 表格复制到 Google 文档模板


每次有人提交 Google 表单时,我都需要自动填充 Google 文档模板。我有包含所有信息的 Google 表格,并且我已经设置了模板文档,其中包含我想要填充的区域,但我找不到任何地方可以显示如何做我需要做的事情。


标签: google-apps-scriptgoogle-sheetsgoogle-docs


您正在寻找的是'Auto Fill Google Doc From Form'。您需要使用 onFormSubmit 触发器向工作表添加一个函数。在该功能中,您将

  • 参考您的模板
  • 从该模板创建一个新文档
  • 生成参考号
  • 使用信息更新新文档


function autoFillGoogleDocFromForm(e) {
     // Get your values from form
     let timestamp = e.values[0];
     let value1 = e.values[1];
     let value2 = e.values[2];
     // ... continue for however many values you are returning

     // Get your template file
     let templateFile = DriveApp.getFileById('your_file_id_here');

     // Set the folder you want to create the new file in
     let responseFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('your_folder_id_for_new_doc'); 

     // Create your reference number
     let refNumber = createReferenceNumber();  // You'll need to write this

     // Create your new file
     let newDocName = createNewDocFileName();  // You'll need to write this
     let copy = file.makeCopy(newDocName , responseFolder); 
     // Open the newly created document so it can be updated
     let doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId()); 

     // Update the doc with your new data
     let body = doc.getBody();

     // The template should have placeholders {{ }} to replace the value with
     body.replaceText('{{value1}}', value1); 
     body.replaceText('{{value2}}', value2);  
     body.replaceText('{{Reference Number}}', refNumber); 


