首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 Flux 中选择每个组的最大项目



    import lombok.Data;
    import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
    public class Example {
        public class MyObject {
            final String name;
            final int priority;
        public Example() {
            Flux<MyObject> myFlux = Flux.just(
                    new MyObject("abc", 2),
                    new MyObject("abc", 4),
                    new MyObject("cde", 1));

输出:[Example.MyObject(name=abc, priority=4), Example.MyObject(name=cde, priority=1)]


标签: javareactive-programmingspring-webfluxproject-reactor


要解决这个问题,您首先需要将其转换Flux<MyObject>为 a Mono<List<MyObject>>,因为您需要知道所有对象及其优先级才能对它们进行排序。

一旦你有了 的所有实例的列表MyObject,你就可以使用 Java 8 Stream api 来解决这个问题:

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Flux<MyObject> myFlux = Flux.just(
                        new MyObject("abc", 2),
                        new MyObject("abc", 4),
                        new MyObject("cde", 1))
                .map(myObjectsList -> myObjectsList.stream()
                // now we have a Map<String, List<MyObject>>
                // now we have a Set<Entry<String, List<MyObject>>>
                .flatMapIterable(entrySet -> entrySet)
                // now we have a Flux<List<MyObject>>
                // and all MyObject in that list have 
                // the same name
                .filter(allObjectsWithSameName -> !allObjectsWithSameName.isEmpty())
                // now we sort all the lists in descending order
                // and return the first element
                // which is the one with the highest prio
                .map(allObjectsWithSameName -> {
                            allObjectsWithSameName.sort(new Comparator<MyObject>() {
                                public int compare(MyObject o1, MyObject o2) {
                                    return Integer.compare(o2.priority, o1.priority);
                            return allObjectsWithSameName.get(0);

        myFlux.subscribe(result -> System.out.println("MyObject: " + result.toString()));

    public static class MyObject {
        final String name;
        final int priority;


MyObject: Example.MyObject(name=abc, priority=4)
MyObject: Example.MyObject(name=cde, priority=1)
