首页 > 解决方案 > 检查列表是否存在数据然后再次输入值



我目前正在努力获取逻辑以检查我的列表是否包含重复的 ID。如果有人输入了重复的 ID,则会提示他重新输入一个新号码。将再次检查新编号,直到系统满足没有重复元素为止。下面的函数返回一个整数,它将被添加到 main 方法中 Course 类型的 List 中。


public static int ifExist(List<Course> courselist, Iterator<Course> itr,  int personid) {
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        boolean found = false;
        boolean flag = false;
        int personid2 = personid;
        String value = null;
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Course courseItr = itr.next();
                if(courseItr.getPersonID() == personid) {
                    found = true;
                    flag = true;
                    while(found == true) {
                        System.out.print("No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: ");
                        do {
                            // must be a digit from 1 - 10,000
                            String digit = "\\d{1,10000}";
                            value = input.nextLine();
                            flag = value.matches(digit);
                            if (!flag) System.out.print("Please a number only!: ");
                        } while (!flag);
                        personid2 = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        if(personid2 != courseItr.getPersonID()) {
                            found= false;
        return personid2;

执行 Course 程序时的输出如下所示。请注意,输入 no 1 表示添加课程列表。

Please select your choice: 1

Enter the person ID: 1
Enter the person name: Alysa
Enter the title of the course: Maths
Enter the year of joining: 2021
Enter the fee of the course: 20.50
New Course has successfully been added.

Please select your choice: 1

Enter the person ID: 1
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 1
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 1
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 1
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 2
Enter the person name: Maria
Enter the title of the course: Biology
Enter the year of joining: 2021
Enter the fee of the course: 25.99
New Course has successfully been added.

Please select your choice: 1

Enter the person ID: 2
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 2
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 2
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 2
No duplicate number is accepted. Please enter another number: 1
Enter the person name: Peter
Enter the title of the course: Chemistry
Enter the year of joining: 2021
Enter the fee of the course: 50.50
New Course has successfully been added.

如上所示,它表明我的 ifExist 方法不起作用(试图让逻辑正确)。两个人的ID相同,比如1。


Please select your choice: 3
Person ID: 1, Name: Alysa, Title: Maths, Year: 2021, Fee: $20.5.
Person ID: 2, Name: Maria, Title: Biology, Year: 2021, Fee: $25.99.
Person ID: 1, Name: Peter, Title: Chemistry, Year: 2021, Fee: $50.5.

我已经用谷歌搜索过了,但似乎我要么必须使用 Set 删除任何重复项,要么使用 equals/hashcode()。尽管如此,如果任何有经验的 Java 程序员帮助澄清或提供有关如何解决此问题的任何想法,我将不胜感激。


public static void addCourse(List<Course> courselist, Course course) {
        //check if the id is the same or not
        ListIterator<Course> itr = courselist.listIterator();
        try {
            Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 
            int personid, year;
            String author, title;
            double fee;
            System.out.print("\nEnter the person ID: ");
            personid = input.nextInt();
            personid = ifExist(booklist, itr, personid);

courselist.add(new Course(personid, author, title, year, fee));
            System.out.println("New Course has successfully been added.");

} catch {


问候, Simone11

标签: javalistarraylist



问题在于迭代器。当用户输入1之后2,迭代器已经通过了 ID 的课程1,因此无法检测到重复的 ID。因此,每次用户输入一个新数字时,您都必须重新开始迭代。

List<Course> courselist参数未使用。

话虽如此,该程序并未在逻辑上进行优化。该ifExists(,)方法应仅适用于搜索具有相同 ID 的课程。至于处理用户输入,应该完全在方法之外完成。


public static boolean ifExists(int id, Iterator<Course> iterator){
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Course next = iterator.next();
        if (next.id == id) return true;
    return false;

然后在 main 方法中,您给用户的消息是基于此方法返回的值。这是一个例子:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int id = scanner.nextInt();
while (ifExists(id)) {
    System.out.println("Duplicated ID! Please try another number.");
    id = scanner.nextInt();
} // If ifExists(id) returns false, continue to the code below to enter personal details


使用HashSet代替Listor Iterator。您可以直接调用HashSet.contains(Obj)以检查Course集合中是否已经存在,而无需遍历项目。即使List也有这种方法,它也会遍历所有项目,这与您正在做的事情相似。

