首页 > 解决方案 > cucumber example seems adding more items


I wanted to add 3 items, completed 1 of them, then go to filter the 'completed' items.

In the end of execution, I saw more items added. is this constructed wrong?

Feature: filter todo item

  As a working adult with busy schedules
  I want to use todo app to filter todo item
  so that I can check todo item by status

  Scenario Outline: Filter todo item
    Given my todo list is empty
    When I add "First todo item #1"
    And I add "next todo item #2"
    And I add "next todo item #3"
    Then my todo list should has followings:
      | <Item Displayed> |
    When I complete "First todo item #1"
    Then the todo item called "First todo item #1" should be marked as completed
    And I filter the list to show Completed tasks
    Then my todo list should has followings:
      | <Item Displayed> |

      | Filter    | Item Displayed |
      | Completed | First todo item #1   |
      | Active    | next todo item #2 |
      | Active    | next todo item #3 |


org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<[tru]e> but was:<[fals]e>
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
    at todos.stepdefinitions.StepDefinitions.theTodoItemCalledShouldBeMarkedAsCompleted(StepDefinitions.java:88)
    at ✽.the todo item called "First todo item #1" should be marked as completed

this is the steps definitions:

    public class StepDefinitions {
        AddNewTodoActions addTodo;
        TodoListActions todoItems;

        @Given("(?:.*) todo list is empty")
        public void fresh_todo() {
        @When("I add {string}")
        public void i_add(String todoItem) {
        @Then("(?:.*) todo list should has followings:")
        public void todo_list_should_has_followings(List<String> expectedItems) {
        @And("the remaining item count is displayed as {string}")
        public void remaining_item_count_displayed(String remainingItemCountText) {
        @Given("I have a todo list containing")
        public void has_a_list_containing(List<String> expectedItems) {
        FilterItemsActions filterItems;
        @When("I filter the list to show {word} tasks")
        public void filtersBy(String filters) {
        CompleteTodoActions completeTodo;
        @When("I complete {string}")
        public void complete(String completedTodo) {
        @Then("the todo item called {string} should be marked as completed")
        public void theTodoItemCalledShouldBeMarkedAsCompleted(String todoItem) {       

the editor suggested me to use scenario outline. so i just go ahead and change it. let me know what should be the correct structure, just using scenario good enough?

标签: cucumbercucumber-java



我是一名资深的 Cuker(因为在 Cucumber 被命名之前)。我从不使用场景大纲。


Feature: Filtering todo's

Scenario: View completed todo's
  Given I have some todo's
  And one todo is completed
  When I view my todo's
  And I filter on completed
  Then I should see only my completed todo

注意:我不是在描述如何做任何事情。这是 Cuke 的首选方式。
