首页 > 解决方案 > 无法在 Azure 机器人框架中拦截机器人响应


我想拦截用户和机器人之间交换的所有消息。我用来拦截的PFB代码。我正在使用 Bot Dialoglog 框架进行网络聊天。这里的问题是我无法从包含从机器人发送给用户的消息的活动对象中提取值。

adapter.use(async (turnContext, next) => {
// pre-processing of the current incoming activity
console.log("adapture use::turnContext::" + turnContext.activity.text);

// hook up a handler to process any outgoing activities sent during this turn
turnContext.onSendActivities(async (sendContext, activities, nextSend) => {
    // pre-processing of outgoing activities
    await nextSend();
    console.log("adapture use::activities::POST##::" + flat.stringify(activities));
    // post-processing outgoing activities

await next();

// post-processing of the current incoming activity 
console.log(`Processing activity ${turnContext.activity.id} finishing. `);


标签: node.jsazurebotframeworkchatbot


要访问机器人的响应,您可以将 bot.js 文件(即定义了活动处理程序的文件)更新为如下所示的内容。


const { ActivityHandler, MessageFactory } = require('botbuilder');

class EchoBot extends ActivityHandler {
    constructor() {


        const transcript = [];
        this.onTurn(async (context, next1) => {
            let responses = {};

            logActivity(transcript, cloneActivity(context.activity));

            context.onSendActivities(async (ctx, activities, next2) => {
                responses = await next2();
                activities.forEach((a) => logActivity(transcript, cloneActivity(a)));
                console.log('TRANSCRIPT ', activities);
                return responses;

            await next1();

const logActivity = (transcript, activity) => {
    if (!activity.timestamp) {
        activity.timestamp = new Date();

const cloneActivity = (activity) => {
    return Object.assign({}, activity);

module.exports.EchoBot = EchoBot;


    type: 'conversationUpdate',
    id: '1hEUP37Da8S',
    timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:04.910Z,
    serviceUrl: 'https://directline.botframework.com/',
    channelId: 'directline',
    from: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1' },
    conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
    recipient: { id: 'somebot@QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
    membersAdded: [ [Object], [Object] ],
    rawTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:04.9109865Z',
    callerId: 'urn:botframework:azure'
    type: 'message',
    text: 'Hello and welcome!',
    inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
    speak: 'Hello and welcome!',
    channelId: 'directline',
    locale: undefined,
    serviceUrl: 'https://directline.botframework.com/',
    conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
    from: { id: 'somebot@QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
    recipient: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1' },
    timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:06.547Z
    type: 'message',
    id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g|0000001',
    timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:08.704Z,
    localTimestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:08.527Z,
    localTimezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    serviceUrl: 'https://directline.botframework.com/',
    channelId: 'directline',
    from: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1', name: '' },
    conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
    recipient: { id: 'somebot@QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
    textFormat: 'plain',
    locale: 'en-US',
    text: 'Hi',
    entities: [ [Object] ],
    channelData: {
      clientActivityID: '1631055668527tzwhm47a4qd',
      clientTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:08.527Z'
    rawTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:08.704318Z',
    rawLocalTimestamp: '2021-09-07T16:01:08.527-07:00',
    callerId: 'urn:botframework:azure'
    type: 'message',
    text: 'Echo: Hi',
    inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
    speak: 'Echo: Hi',
    channelId: 'directline',
    locale: 'en-US',
    serviceUrl: 'https://directline.botframework.com/',
    conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
    from: { id: 'somebot@QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
    recipient: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1', name: '' },
    replyToId: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g|0000001',
    timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:09.147Z


    type: 'message',
    text: 'Echo: Hi',
    inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
    speak: 'Echo: Hi',
    channelId: 'directline',
    locale: 'en-US',
    serviceUrl: 'https://directline.botframework.com/',
    conversation: { id: 'AURKxxxxxxxxxJHpO-f' },
    from: { id: 'somebot@QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
    recipient: { id: 'dl_16310605730140.3nrm4evq6um', name: '' },
    replyToId: 'AURKxxxxxxxxxJHpO-f|0000001'
