首页 > 解决方案 > 提交链接到js函数的输入表单



因此,用户输入这些值,然后提交它们。提交输入链接到一个 js 函数onclick="myFunction()",该函数必须进行计算。然后,这个计算的结果必须显示在网页上。

我正在使用烧瓶。我的代码中有一部分必须通过 opc ua 向电机发送值。这部分运作良好。我要做的是根据用户输入的值计算一个值(用js)。


# sends data from html form to database
from flask import Flask 
from flask import request 
from flask import render_template
import time
# from opcua import Client
# from opcua import ua
# client = Client("opc.tcp://{ip}:4840/freeopcua/server/".format(ip=''))
# # client = Client("opc.tcp://{ip}:4840/freeopcua/server/".format(ip='')) #new
# root = client.get_root_node()
# objects = client.get_objects_node()
# client.connect()
# client.load_type_definitions()

app = Flask(__name__)

####################SOLID SILOS####################
def home_solid_silos():
    return render_template('solid_silos.html')

@app.route('/solid_silos/', endpoint='solid_silos', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def test_endurance_solid_silos():
    # print('solid>>>>>>', nodeid_solid)
    return test_endurance('solid_silos.html')

def test_endurance(template_file):
    global test_id
    global nb_runs
    global angle
    global speed
    global pause
    test_id = request.form['test_id']
    nb_runs = request.form['nb_runs']
    angle = request.form['angle']
    speed = request.form['speed'] 
    pause = request.form['pause']  
    print('nb_runs', nb_runs)
    if request.form.get("submit"):
        test_id = request.form['test_id']
        nb_runs = request.form['nb_runs']
        angle = request.form['angle']
        speed = request.form['speed']    
        pause = request.form['pause']
    if test_id == '':
        test_id = 0
    if nb_runs == '':
        nb_runs = 0
    if angle  == '':
        angle = 0
    if speed  == '':
        speed = 0
    if pause  == '':
        pause = 0

    if int(speed)>300 or int(speed)<0:
        speed = 0
        speed_message = "This speed is not available, please try again"

    run = 0
    while int(run) < int(nb_runs):
            #call function
            # opcua_function = client.get_node(ua.NodeId(functionId,4))
            # opcua_function.call_method(ua.NodeId(functionId, 4), ua.Variant(int(function_id),ua.VariantType.Int16), ua.Variant(int(angle),ua.VariantType.Int16), ua.Variant(int(speed),ua.VariantType.Int16) )
            run = run + 1
            python_file = open("success.txt", "w")
            python_file.write("Number of runs we want to execute: " + str(nb_runs) + ", Number of runs successfully done: " + str(run) + ", Angle chosen: " + str(angle) + ", Speed chosen: " + str(speed))
        except ValueError:
            print("Oops! We have an issue.  Try again...")
            python_file = open("data_error.txt", "w")
            python_file.write("Number of runs we want to execute: " + str(nb_runs) + ", Number of runs successfully done: " + str(run) + ", Angle chosen: " + str(angle) + ", Speed chosen: " + str(speed))

    return render_template(template_file, test_id=test_id, nb_runs=nb_runs, angle=angle, speed=speed, pause=pause, message=speed_message, run=run)


    <div id="menu">
        <ul id="onglets">
            <li class="active"><a href="/solid_silos/"> Solid Silos </a></li>
            <li><a href="/liquid_silos/"> Liquid Silos </a></li>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href='/static/main.css'/>
    <p4>Started time: </p4><p4 id="date"></p4>
    <p4>Add time: </p4><p4 id="add"></p4>    
    <script type=text/javascript src="{{
        url_for('static', filename='main.js') }}"></script>
    <title>Endurance test</title>
    <p class="title"><strong>TEST THE ENDURANCE OF THE SOLID SILOS</strong></p>
    <div class="content">
                <td class="special_td">
                            <p2>Different callable functions:</p2><br>
                            <p1> ★ Motion</p1> <br>
                            <p1> ★ Homing </p1><br>
                            <p1> ★ Path </p1>
                <td class="special_td">
                    <!--test form-->
                    <form method="post" action="/solid_silos/">
                                <td class="special_td">
                                            <td> <p>Selected test:</p> </td> 
                                            <td><select name= test_id method="GET" action="/solid_silos/" style="height:50px;">
                                                <option value= "2" name="2" >Motion</option>"
                                                <option value= "3" name="3" >Homing</option>"
                                                <option value= "3" name="3" >Path</option>"
                                                <option value= "2" name="2" SELECTED>★★★★</option>"
                                            <!-- <td> <input type="text" name="function_id" value={{function_id}}> </td>  -->
                                            <td> <p>Nomber of runs:</p> </td> 
                                            <td> <input type="int" name="nb_runs" id="demoA" style="height:50px;" value={{nb_runs}}> </td> 
                                            <td> <p>Angle:</p> </td> 
                                            <td> <input type="text" name="angle" id="demoB" style="height:50px;" value={{angle}}> </td> 
                                            <td> <p>Speed:</p> </td> 
                                            <td> <input type="text" name="speed" id="demoC" style="height:50px;" value={{speed}}> </td> 
                                            <td> <p>Pause:</p> </td> 
                                            <td> <input type="text" name="pause" id="demoD" style="height:50px;" value={{pause}}> </td> 
                                            <td> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="Submit"> </td> 
                                            <input type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">
                                            <td><p4>Number of successful runs: {{run}}</p4></td>


//////////////////////////////////////////////// STARTED TIME //////////////////////////////////////
// Date object
var today = new Date();

// Current Date
  var date = today.getFullYear()+'-'+(today.getMonth()+1)+' '+today.getDate();

// Current Time
  var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();

// Current Date and Time
  var dateTime = date+' '+time;
  document.getElementById("date").innerHTML = dateTime;

angle = document.getElementById("demoB").value
speed = document.getElementById("demoC").value
pause = document.getElementById("demoD").value
nb_runs = document.getElementById("demoA").value

function myFunction(){
    add = (angle/speed + pause) * nb_runs
    document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = add;  

我的问题是<p4>Add time: </p4><p4 id="add"></p4>永远不会显示。我从控制台收到以下错误:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null当我尝试提交时(单击按钮):main.js:178 Uncaught ReferenceError: angle is not defined

我有两个提交按钮,因为这个按钮<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="Submit">是通过 opcua 发送数据,但这不是我的问题。我的问题是:<input type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">为什么当我点击它时什么都没有发生?


标签: javascripthtml

