首页 > 解决方案 > Walmart API Error: WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE set null or invalid


My client has a Walmart marketplace store and we are trying figure out how to successfully make the Walmart API's Multiple Item Inventory for All Ship Nodes API call.

The API production URL is : https://marketplace.walmartapis.com/v3/inventories

The purpose of this call is getting the inventory of the store using the API.

Unfortunately, we are stuck because we don't know what value to put for WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE.

As a result, the API response is unsuccessful and gives this error:

    "error": [
            "field": "WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE",
            "description": "WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE set null or invalid",
            "info": "One or more request headers are invalid.",
            "severity": "ERROR",
            "category": "DATA",
            "causes": [],
            "errorIdentifiers": {}

Where can the value of WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE be found?

标签: e-commercewalmart-api



仅供参考,这并没有解决问题,因为他们给我们的值仍然导致 API 返回相同的错误代码。
