首页 > 解决方案 > 向下滚动按钮不会出现两次,html



代码 :

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/* The progress container */

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      <div class="progress-bar" id="Bar"></div>

  <div class='main'></div>
    <div class="bg-image"></div>

    <div class="bg-text">
      <h2>Blurred Background</h2>
      <h1>My car website</h1>
    <div id='p1'>
      <p>Car website!</p>
      <section id="section04" class="demo">
        <a href="#p1"><span></span>Scroll</a>

    <div class="bg-image1"></div>
    <div class="bg-text1">
      <h2>Blurred Background</h2>
      <h1>My car website</h1>

      <section id="section04" class="demo">
        <a href="#p1"><span></span>Scroll</a>

    <div class="bg-image2"></div>
    <div class="bg-text2">
      <h2>Blurred Background</h2>
      <h1>My car website</h1>

  window.onscroll = function() {changeOnScroll()};

function changeOnScroll() {
  var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100;
  document.getElementById("Bar").style.width = scrolled + "%";



因此,当您运行程序时,您会看到一个“向下滚动”按钮。当您单击它时,您将平滑滚动到下一个 div。但是,如果您看到该程序,我也尝试将向下滚动按钮添加到下一个 div,但它没有出现。为什么会这样?有什么解决办法吗?

标签: htmlcss


    .natis {

        width: 25%;
        height: 150px;
        border: 2px solid black;

        overflow: hidden;
        background-color: blue;
        color: white;
        overflow: scroll;
        text-align: center;


<div class="natis">
    <h1>This is example </h1>
    <p> i am accusam dolore consetetur dolor amet duo lorem amet duo et, et lorem sed magna aliquyam, consetetur sit
        no vero dolore lorem, consetetur stet et sanctus diam takimata dolor stet, dolor sadipscing consetetur
        tempor sanctus elitr sit et accusam. Sadipscing lorem ut sadipscing erat, diam sanctus dolor sed ipsum magna
        consetetur labore stet takimata, eirmod consetetur dolore dolore dolor et consetetur, ipsum elitr justo
        consetetur dolores amet, elitr amet duo diam amet et justo justo est. Sit stet nonumy vero no et accusam sit
        justo vero, et elitr kasd diam lorem dolor erat lorem. Sed ipsum sed rebum stet sed. nonumy diam no dolore
        et gubergren. Ipsum gubergren vero labore diam, invidunt takimata sed sadipscing erat elitr magna clita
        sadipscing takimata. Nonumy nonumy dolor diam sit justo et erat, sanctus sed erat amet diam no consetetur
        kasd eos. Amet gubergren et aliquyam consetetur. Et no sed dolores labore. </p>
