首页 > 解决方案 > 登录时没有匹配的二维字符串数组


我正在解决我在一本关于 C 编程的书中看到的示例。我在本书中看到的这个特殊问题是关于匹配一种对我来说没问题的“客户代码”(整数)。但是我在为要证明我的登录名的二维字符串应用相同的逻辑时遇到了麻烦。


This program searches a sorted list of customer IDs in order to get credit totals

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int ctr; // Loop counter
    int idSearch; // Customer to look for (the key)
    int found = 0; // 1 (true) if customer is found

    /* Defines the 10 elements in each of the parallel arrays */
    int custID[10] = {313, 453, 502, 101, 892, 475, 792, 912, 343, 633};
    float custBal[10]={0.00, 45.43, 71.23, 301.56, 9.08, 192.41, 389.00, 229.67, 18.31, 59.54};
    int tempID, inner, outer, didSwap, i; // For sorting
    float tempBal;

    // First, sort the arrays by customer ID
    for (outer=0; outer<9; outer++)
        didSwap=0; // Becomes 1 (true) if list is not yet ordered
        for (inner=outer; inner<10; inner++)
            if (custID[inner] < custID[outer])
                tempID = custID[inner];     // Must switch both arrays of they
                tempBal = custBal[inner];   // are no longer linked

                custID[inner] = custID[outer];
                custBal[inner] = custBal[outer];
                custID[outer] = tempID;
                didSwap = 1;    // True because a swap took place
        if (didSwap == 0)

    /* Interact with the user looking to find a balance */
    printf("\n\n*** Customer Balance Lookup ***\n");
    printf("What is the customer number? ");
    scanf(" %d", &idSearch);

    // Now, look for the ID in the array
    for (ctr=0; ctr<10; ctr++)
        if (idSearch == custID[ctr]) // Do they match?
            found = 1;  // Yes, match flag is set to TRUE
            break;      // No need to keep looping
        if (custID[ctr] >idSearch) // No need to keep searching

    // Once the loop has completed, the ID was either found
    // (found = 1) of not

    if (found)
        if (custBal[ctr]>100)
            printf("\n** That customer's balance is $%.2f.\n", custBal[ctr]);
            printf("No additional credit.\n");
        else    // Balance is less than $100.00
            printf("\n**The customer's credit is good!\n");
    else    // The ID was not found
        printf("** You have entered an incorrect customer ID.");
        printf("\n ID %3d was not found in the list.\n", idSearch);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    int ctr; // Loop counter
    char userSearch[20], passSearch[10]; // to look for (the key)
    int found = 0; // 1 (true) if it is found

    /* Defines the 5 elements in each of the parallel arrays */
    char user[5][20] = {"John", "Ivan", "Paul", "Robert", "Leo"};
    char pass[5][10]={"1111", "2222", "3333", "4444", "5555"};
    int inner, outer, didSwap, i; // For sorting
    char tempUser, tempPass;

    for (outer=0; outer<4; outer++)
        didSwap=0; // Becomes 1 (true) if list is not yet ordered
        for (inner=outer; inner<5; inner++) 
            if (user[inner] != user[outer])
                strcpy(tempUser, user[inner]);    
                strcpy(tempPass, pass[inner]); 

                strcpy(user[inner], user[outer]);
                strcpy(pass[inner], pass[outer]);
                strcpy(user[outer], tempUser);
                strcpy(pass[outer], tempPass);
                didSwap = 1; 
        if (didSwap == 0)

    printf("User: ");
    scanf(" %s", userSearch);
    printf("Password: ");
    scanf(" %s", passSearch);

    for (ctr=0; ctr<5; ctr++)
        if ((strcmp(userSearch, user[ctr])==0) && (strcmp(passSearch, pass[ctr])==0)) // Do they match?
            found = 1; 


    if (found)
        printf("You entered sucessfully.");
        printf("** You have entered an incorrect data.");
        printf("\n %s was not found.\n", userSearch);


我的最后一个代码到底有什么问题?如何使用二维字符串数组进行正确登录?例如,我想放置 100 个用户,并且指向每个用户不是一个选项,所以我认为这种方式是一个好主意,使用这个算法。但不确定我的错误是什么。

标签: calgorithmsortingauthenticationmultidimensional-array

