首页 > 解决方案 > 谷歌云功能集成测试与Spring Boot中的配置文件?


我创建了一个实现谷歌云功能的spring boot项目。所以我想为谷歌云功能实现一个集成测试。我想使用我在 spring boot 项目中定义的 dev 配置文件运行集成测试。


public class ExampleIT {
  // Each function must be assigned a unique port to run on.
  // Otherwise, tests can flake when 2+ functions run simultaneously.
  // This is also specified in the `function-maven-plugin` config in `pom.xml`.
  private static final int PORT = 8081;

  // Root URL pointing to the locally hosted function
  // The Functions Framework Maven plugin lets us run a function locally
  private static final String BASE_URL = "http://localhost:" + PORT;

  private static Process emulatorProcess = null;
  private static HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();

  public static void setUp() throws IOException {
    // Get the sample's base directory (the one containing a pom.xml file)
    String baseDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");

    // Emulate the function locally by running the Functions Framework Maven plugin
    emulatorProcess = new ProcessBuilder()
        .command("mvn", "function:run")
        .directory(new File(baseDir))

  public static void tearDown() throws IOException {
    // Display the output of the plugin process
    InputStream stdoutStream = emulatorProcess.getInputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream stdoutBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    // Terminate the running Functions Framework Maven plugin process
    if (emulatorProcess.isAlive()) {

  public void helloHttp_shouldRunWithFunctionsFramework() throws Throwable {
    String functionUrl = BASE_URL + "/helloHttp";

    HttpRequest getRequest = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(URI.create(functionUrl)).GET().build();

    // The Functions Framework Maven plugin process takes time to start up
    // Use resilience4j to retry the test HTTP request until the plugin responds
    // See `retryOnResultPredicate` here: https://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/retry
    RetryRegistry registry = RetryRegistry.of(RetryConfig.custom()
        .intervalFunction(IntervalFunction.ofExponentialBackoff(200, 2))
        .retryOnResult(body -> body.toString().length() == 0)
    Retry retry = registry.retry("my");

    // Perform the request-retry process
    String body = Retry.decorateCheckedSupplier(retry, () -> client.send(

    // Verify the function returned the right results
    assertThat(body).isEqualTo("Hello world!");

标签: javaspring-bootgoogle-cloud-functionsintegration-testing

