首页 > 解决方案 > How to terminate Camunda running process?


Have an existing bpmn process that already does some work:

And now I need to find a way how to stop/terminate/cancel running workflow (I am not sure which action is preferable in terms of Camunda) because the action that we expect to be done by Camunda process already successfully performed by another external system.

Camunda docs say that I can start/stop/cancel process via REST API or just via Java API but I am looking on way of visualization of possibility to cancel/terminate process via Camunda Modeller.

How can I do it? I see that multiple types of events supported: Start, End, Intermediate but which one can suite my needs?

标签: javabpmncamundabusiness-process-managementcamunda-modeler


将事件子流程放置在所需范围内(完整的父流程,就在画布上)。使用消息或条件类型的中断开始事件(实线)。将其直接连接到结束事件,或连接到您想要在进程完全终止之前执行的其他任务。中断启动事件在触发时将取消周围范围(父进程)中的任何标记。您可以通过设置流程数据(条件启动事件)或通过消息(消息启动事件)例如 REST API 来触发它。

