首页 > 解决方案 > GLSL 到 ShaderLab


我尝试将 GLSL 着色器转换为可在 OBS 中使用的 ShaderLab 着色器。我用 OBS 一致性着色器和要转换的着色器制作了一个混合体,数学运算保持不变,但某些结构发生了变化。

我的问题是“混合”着色器无法正常工作,因此它在 OBS 中根本没有显示任何内容,即使我用作指导的文件运行良好。




uniform float INV_SQRT_OF_2PI = 0.39894228040143267793994605993439;
uniform float INV_PI = 0.31830988618379067153776752674503;

//had all u in variable name and were großgeschrieben
uniform float threshold;
uniform float sigma; 
uniform float kSigma;
uniform string notes = "This is an experiment, Hello";

//uniform float Slider;
//uniform vec2 wSize;
//uniform string notes = "This is an experiment, Hello";

float4 mainImage(VertData v_in) : TARGET
    float radius = round(kSigma*sigma);
    float radQ = radius * radius;

    float invSigmaQx2 = .5 / (sigma * sigma);      // 1.0 / (sigma^2 * 2.0)
    float invSigmaQx2PI = INV_PI * invSigmaQx2;    // // 1/(2 * PI * sigma^2)

    float invThresholdSqx2 = .5 / (threshold * threshold);     // 1.0 / (sigma^2 * 2.0)
    float invThresholdSqrt2PI = INV_SQRT_OF_2PI / threshold;   // 1.0 / (sqrt(2*PI) * sigma)

    ///here come the issues///

    float4 centrPx = image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv);
    //vec4 centrPx = texture(tex,uv); 

    float zBuff = 0.0;
    vec4 aBuff = vec4(0.0);

    vec2 size = vec2(textureSize(textureSampler, 0));
    //vec2 size = vec2(textureSize(tex, 0));

    vec2 d;
    for (d.x=-radius; d.x <= radius; d.x++) {
        float pt = sqrt(radQ-d.x*d.x);       // pt = yRadius: have circular trend
        for (d.y=-pt; d.y <= pt; d.y++) {
            float blurFactor = exp( -dot(d , d) * invSigmaQx2 ) * invSigmaQx2PI;

            vec4 walkPx =  image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv+d/size);
            //vec4 walkPx =  texture(tex,uv+d/size);

            vec4 dC = walkPx-centrPx;
            float deltaFactor = exp( -dot(dC, dC) * invThresholdSqx2) * invThresholdSqrt2PI * blurFactor;

            zBuff += deltaFactor;
            aBuff += deltaFactor*walkPx;
    return float4(aBuff/zBuff);  



//  Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Michele Morrone
//  All rights reserved.
//  https://michelemorrone.eu - https://BrutPitt.com
//  me@michelemorrone.eu - brutpitt@gmail.com
//  twitter: @BrutPitt - github: BrutPitt
//  https://github.com/BrutPitt/glslSmartDeNoise/
//  This software is distributed under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause license
#line 13    //#version dynamically inserted 

out vec4 color;

#ifdef GL_ES
    uniform sampler2D imageData;
    #if (__VERSION__>=450)
        layout (binding=1) uniform sampler2D imageData;
        uniform sampler2D imageData;

uniform float uSigma;
uniform float uThreshold;
uniform float uSlider;
uniform float uKSigma;
uniform vec2 wSize;

#define INV_SQRT_OF_2PI 0.39894228040143267793994605993439  // 1.0/SQRT_OF_2PI
#define INV_PI 0.31830988618379067153776752674503
//  smartDeNoise - parameters
//  sampler2D tex     - sampler image / texture
//  vec2 uv           - actual fragment coord
//  float sigma  >  0 - sigma Standard Deviation
//  float kSigma >= 0 - sigma coefficient 
//      kSigma * sigma  -->  radius of the circular kernel
//  float threshold   - edge sharpening threshold 

vec4 smartDeNoise(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, float sigma, float kSigma, float threshold)
    float radius = round(kSigma*sigma);
    float radQ = radius * radius;

    float invSigmaQx2 = .5 / (sigma * sigma);      // 1.0 / (sigma^2 * 2.0)
    float invSigmaQx2PI = INV_PI * invSigmaQx2;    // // 1/(2 * PI * sigma^2)

    float invThresholdSqx2 = .5 / (threshold * threshold);     // 1.0 / (sigma^2 * 2.0)
    float invThresholdSqrt2PI = INV_SQRT_OF_2PI / threshold;   // 1.0 / (sqrt(2*PI) * sigma)

    vec4 centrPx = texture(tex,uv); 

    float zBuff = 0.0;
    vec4 aBuff = vec4(0.0);
    vec2 size = vec2(textureSize(tex, 0));

    vec2 d;
    for (d.x=-radius; d.x <= radius; d.x++) {
        float pt = sqrt(radQ-d.x*d.x);       // pt = yRadius: have circular trend
        for (d.y=-pt; d.y <= pt; d.y++) {
            float blurFactor = exp( -dot(d , d) * invSigmaQx2 ) * invSigmaQx2PI;

            vec4 walkPx =  texture(tex,uv+d/size);
            vec4 dC = walkPx-centrPx;
            float deltaFactor = exp( -dot(dC, dC) * invThresholdSqx2) * invThresholdSqrt2PI * blurFactor;

            zBuff += deltaFactor;
            aBuff += deltaFactor*walkPx;
    return aBuff/zBuff;

//  About Standard Deviations (watch Gauss curve)
//  kSigma = 1*sigma cover 68% of data
//  kSigma = 2*sigma cover 95% of data - but there are over 3 times 
//                   more points to compute
//  kSigma = 3*sigma cover 99.7% of data - but needs more than double 
//                   the calculations of 2*sigma

//  Optimizations (description)
//  fX = exp( -(x*x) * invSigmaSqx2 ) * invSigmaxSqrt2PI; 
//  fY = exp( -(y*y) * invSigmaSqx2 ) * invSigmaxSqrt2PI; 
//  where...
//      invSigmaSqx2     = 1.0 / (sigma^2 * 2.0)
//      invSigmaxSqrt2PI = 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * PI) * sigma)
//  now, fX*fY can be written in unique expression...
//      e^(a*X) * e^(a*Y) * c*c
//      where:
//        a = invSigmaSqx2, X = (x*x), Y = (y*y), c = invSigmaxSqrt2PI
//           -[(x*x) * 1/(2 * sigma^2)]             -[(y*y) * 1/(2 * sigma^2)] 
//          e                                      e
//  fX = -------------------------------    fY = -------------------------------
//                ________                               ________
//              \/ 2 * PI  * sigma                     \/ 2 * PI  * sigma
//      now with... 
//        a = 1/(2 * sigma^2), 
//        X = (x*x) 
//        Y = (y*y) ________
//        c = 1 / \/ 2 * PI  * sigma
//      we have...
//              -[aX]              -[aY]
//        fX = e      * c;   fY = e      * c;
//      and...
//                 -[aX + aY]    [2]     -[a(X + Y)]    [2]
//        fX*fY = e           * c     = e            * c   
//      well...
//                    -[(x*x + y*y) * 1/(2 * sigma^2)]
//                   e                                
//        fX*fY = --------------------------------------
//                                        [2]           
//                          2 * PI * sigma           
//      now with assigned constants...
//          invSigmaQx2   = 1/(2 * sigma^2)
//          invSigmaQx2PI = 1/(2 * PI * sigma^2) = invSigmaQx2 * INV_PI 
//      and the kernel vector 
//          k = vec2(x,y)
//      we can write:
//          fXY = exp( -dot(k,k) * invSigmaQx2) * invSigmaQx2PI

void main(void)
    float slide = uSlider *.5 + .5;
    float szSlide = .001;
    vec2 uv = vec2(gl_FragCoord.xy / wSize);    

    color = uv.x<slide-szSlide  ? texture(imageData, vec2(uv.x,1.0-uv.y)) 
          : (uv.x>slide+szSlide ? smartDeNoise(imageData, vec2(uv.x,1.0-uv.y), uSigma, uKSigma, uThreshold) 
          :  vec4(1.0));




layout (location = 0) in vec4 vPos;

#ifdef GL_ES
out gl_PerVertex
    vec4 gl_Position;

void main(void)
    gl_Position = vPos;

标签: glslshaderfragment-shaderobsshaderlab

