首页 > 解决方案 > 从列表中获取数据到 datagridview


我正在创建一个事件驱动的购物车,因此我让它显示在 datagridview 中,但它首先将信息存储在一个列表中,当我单击 Checkout 按钮时,它会从该列表中转到 datagridview .



//defines the list and links to the where the product information is and when a product is added to the cart.
public static List<BulkPurchase> cart = new List<BulkPurchase>();
private void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //makes the checkout visible
            pnlMain.Visible = false;
            //makes the products not visible
            pnlCheckout.Visible = true;

//just shows me that items have been added to the list
            foreach (var item in cart)
            //inputs the cart to the datagridview
            dataGridView1.DataSource = cart;


    public class BulkPurchase : Product
        private int quantity;
        public BulkPurchase(string prodName, float prodPrice, int prodQuantity)
            : base(prodName, prodPrice)
            this.quantity = prodQuantity;


    public class Product
        private string name;
        private float price;

        //the constructor for a product
        public Product (string prodName, float prodPrice)
            this.name = prodName;
            this.price = prodPrice;

        //accessing the private variable of name
        public string getName() => name;

        //accessing the private variable of price 
        public float getPrice() => price;        

当我将三个项目添加到列表中时,这是 datagridview 的结果

我完全不知道如何解决这个问题,所有的谷歌搜索和 YouTube 都没有帮助。

标签: c#listvisual-studiodatagridviewevent-driven





//Write three data as an example
           cart.Add(new BulkPurchase("apple",10,1));
           cart.Add(new BulkPurchase("banana", 20, 1));
           cart.Add(new BulkPurchase("orange", 10, 1));


public class Product {
            private string name;
            private float price;

            public string ProductName {
                get {
                    return name;
                set {
                    name = value;
            public float Price {
                get {
                    return price;
                set {
                    price = value;


public class BulkPurchase : Product {
            private int quantity;

            public BulkPurchase(string prodName, float prodPrice, int prodQuantity)
                : base(prodName, prodPrice) {
                Quantity = prodQuantity;
           public int Quantity {
                get {
                    return quantity;
                set {
                    quantity = value;


float TotalPrice = 0;
foreach (var item in cart) {
    TotalPrice += (item.Price*item.Quantity);
pnlCheckout.Text = $"Total $ {TotalPrice}";


dataGridView1.DataSource = cart;
dataGridView1.Columns[0].DisplayIndex = 2;

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