首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 Github 操作测试生产 Rails 服务器启动


我使用 Github Action 来运行 RSpec 测试。我确信 Rails 服务器可以在生产模式下成功运行。成功,我的意思是这个命令运行了几秒钟而不引发异常。

bundle exec rails s -e production


  - name: RSpec
    run: |
      bundle exec rspec ./spec
  - name: Boot Rails server
    run: bundle exec rails s -e production

标签: ruby-on-railsgithub-actions



#!/usr/bin/env ruby

pid = Process.spawn("bundle exec rails s -e production") # run the server and get its PID
sleep 5 # time in seconds you need to ensure the server boots without errors
Process.kill("INT", pid) # send ^C, gracefully terminate the server

_, status = Process.wait2(pid) # wait for the server termination and get its exit code
exit status.exitstatus # exit from the script with the same code as the server

并将 CI 配置文件更新为:

  - name: Boot Rails server
    run: bin/test_boot

CI 管道通过每个步骤的退出代码来决定是否失败,并且该Boot Rails server步骤以与服务器相同的代码退出。
