首页 > 解决方案 > 一旦对消息做出反应,如何让机器人向用户发送消息?



async def on_message(message):
    Looks for when a member calls 'bhwagon', and after 24 minutes, sends them a message
    :param message: the message sent by the user
    :return: a DM to the user letting them know their cooldown ended
    if message.content.startswith("bhwagon") or message.content.startswith("missed wagon"):
        await cool_down_ended(message)
        await on_reaction_add(message)

async def on_reaction_add(message):
    Checks to see if there is a reaction on a message, and if there is, then send that user a message
    :param message: represents the context in which a command is being invoked under
    if message.emoji == '882814250710626405':  # If a certain reaction is used on a message
        await message.author.send("message")

标签: pythondiscord.py



  1. on_reaction_add没有message参数,但取决于reactionand user

  2. await message.author.send()总是会向消息的作者发送消息,而不是给做出反应的人,这是行不通的。

  3. 您给定的 ID 似乎更像是消息 ID,而不是真正的 emoji-ID。

全局表情通常是这样构建的: <:NAME:ID- 这也是必须在代码中指定的方式。

Discord 中的表情符号可以轻松复制。



async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user): # reaction & user as an argument
    if reaction.emoji == '✅': # See if the reaction is the same as in the code
        await user.send("message") # Send the user who reacted a message

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