首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么当“转换的字节”除以 2 时,PyAudio 流的音量有时会“减半”,有时会产生不需要的白噪声?


我对在 Python 3.7 中使用 PyAudio 模块是“新手”,并且已经使用 PyAudio 接口做了一些“整洁”的事情。我已经弄清楚如何生成和播放一些“自定义音高”,这些音高按顺序排列在一起,其中数据首先转换为 -32768 到 +32768 范围(使用int(n).to_bytes()然后n = data.from_bytes()从字节到整数来回转换,更改值,然后为流再次转换回字节)。

虽然我的值是整数,但我可以除以 2 以将“自定义音高”的音量“减半”,但是,当我除以 2 时,如果我使“n”(用于整数值的整数变量)等于'sounds\hello.wav' 文件的转换数据,它不会将音量“减半”,而是会产生不需要的白噪声。如果我除以 2,我的 'sounds\hello.wav' 文件可以正常播放。

我的评论在“全部大写”中,这就是“问题”所在。“大写注释部分”显示了四个不同的“选项”,可用于“n”的值,然后将 n 转换字节并写入流。这四个“选项”中的三个有效,但我一直试图弄清楚为什么“第四个选项”会给我带来“问题”。“重现问题”的“四个选项”是的代码生成两个警告的原因,而不是“程序问题”。我正在做的事情,也许有一天会帮助创造一种全新的声音和音乐技术。这是我的代码...

import math
import time
import wave

import pyaudio

pitches = 0
position = []
start = time.time()
started = True
oldTime = 0
delta = 0
run_time = 0
val = []
lastVal = []
lastVal2 = []
count = 0

def get_pitches():
    global val
    global run_time
    global lastVal
    global lastVal2
    global position
    global pitches

    n = 0
    val = []
    pitches = 0

    # Store the offset and the increment (through time) into result.
    run_time += delta

    n += add_pitch_with_time_stamp(offset = 0.0, increment = 0.0, volume = 0.5, pitch_stamp=[0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.015], time_stamp=[.5, .5, .5, .5], transition_time_stamp = [10, 10, 10, 10], voice = "sounds\\ah.wav")
    n += add_pitch_with_time_stamp(offset = 0.0, increment = 0.0, volume = 0.5, pitch_stamp=[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02], time_stamp=[1, 1, 1, 1], transition_time_stamp = [10, 10, 10, 10], voice = "sounds\\ah.wav")
    #n += add_pitch(offset = .01, increment = .1, volume = 1)
    #n += add_pitch(offset = 0.015, increment = -.001, volume = 1)
    #n += add_pitch(offset = 0.04, increment = 0, volume = 1)

    # Average out the pitches before returning n.
    if pitches != 0:
        n /= pitches

    return n

def add_pitch(offset, increment, volume):
    global pitches
    global delta
    global run_time
    global val
    global lastVal
    global lastVal2
    global position

    # Match the size of arrays for positions and last recorded values.
    if pitches >= len(position):
    if pitches >= len(lastVal):
    if pitches >= len(lastVal2):

    # Get the calculated pitch for the wave.
    pitch = ((run_time - start) * increment) + offset

    # If the pitch is out of range set the result to 0.
    if 0.3 > pitch >= 0:
        if pitches < len(lastVal):
            lastVal2[pitches] = lastVal[pitches]

        val.append((1 + math.sin(((position[len(val) - 1]) * pitch) * math.pi * 2) * 0.5 * volume) - 0.5)

        if pitches < len(lastVal):
            lastVal[pitches] = val[len(val) - 1]
            result = ((val[len(val) - 1] * 0x7f) + 0x80)
            result = 0

        # Increase pitches per function call to determine the average value for n.
        pitches += 1
        result = 0

    return result

def add_pitch_with_time_stamp(offset, increment, volume, pitch_stamp, time_stamp=None, transition_time_stamp=None, voice=None):
    global pitches
    global delta
    global run_time
    global val
    global lastVal
    global lastVal2
    global position

    # Match size for time stamp.
    for i in range(0, len(time_stamp)):
        if (i + 1) > len(time_stamp):

    # Match size for transition time stamp.
    for i in range(0, len(pitch_stamp)):
        if (i + 1) > len(transition_time_stamp):

    # Get a total time modulation from the time stamp.
    time_modulation = 0
    for i in range(0, len(time_stamp)):
        time_modulation += time_stamp[i]

    # Get the time index.
    time_flow = (time.time() - start) % time_modulation

    # Store the time transitions into f.
    f = get_transition_value(pitch_stamp, transition_time_stamp, time_stamp, time_flow)

    # Match the size of arrays for positions and last recorded values.
    if pitches >= len(position):
    if pitches >= len(lastVal):
    if pitches >= len(lastVal2):

    # Get the calculated pitch for the wave.
    pitch = (((run_time - start) * increment) + (f + offset))

    # If the pitch is out of range set the result to 0.
    if 0.3 > pitch >= 0:
        if pitches < len(lastVal):
            lastVal2[pitches] = lastVal[pitches]

        #print (data2)

        if voice is None:
            val.append((1 + math.sin(((position[len(val) - 1]) * pitch) * math.pi * 2) * 0.5 * volume) - 0.5)
            val.append((1 + math.sin(((position[len(val) - 1]) * pitch) * math.pi * 2) * 0.5 * volume) - 0.5)

        if pitches < len(lastVal):
            lastVal[pitches] = val[len(val) - 1]
            result = ((val[len(val) - 1] * 0x7f) + 0x80)
            result = 0

        # Increase pitches per function call to determine the average value for n.
        pitches += 1
        result = 0

    return result

def get_transition_value(value_list, transition_list, t_stamp, t_flow):
    t_total = 0
    t_position = t_flow
    t_index = 0
    for i in range(0, len(t_stamp)):
        t_total += t_stamp[i]
        if t_flow >= t_total:
            t_position -= t_stamp[i]
            t_index = i + 1

    #t_process is the fraction of time between each transition.
    t_process = t_position / t_stamp[t_index]

    # Get the current value from the time stamp.
    v_floor = value_list[t_index % len(value_list)]

    # Get the next value from the time stamp.
    v_ceil = value_list[(t_index + 1) % len(value_list)]

    # Determine the 'power' between each transition
    transform_power = transition_list[int(t_flow) % len(value_list)]

    return transition(v_floor, v_ceil, math.pow(t_process % 1, transform_power))

def transition (down, up, mid):
    # Another function for finding in between values.
    return (down * (1 - mid)) + (up * mid)

def get_delta_time():
    # Store the delta time into a delta variable.
    global delta
    global oldTime
    delta = time.time()-oldTime
    oldTime = time.time()

def do_pitches():
    global pitches
    global position
    global started
    global lastVal
    global lastVal2
    global count
    global delta

    # Create an interface to PortAudio
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

    wf = wave.open("sounds\\hello.wav", 'rb')

    # Open a .Stream object to write the WAV file to
    # 'output = True' indicates that the sound will be played rather than recorded
    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(wf.getsampwidth()), # 8bit

        while True:
            # Make a variable called 'n', and set it to 'silent' (0).
            pitches = 0

            # Store pitches in n.
            n: int = 0
            if started:
                position = []
                lastVal = []
                lastVal2 = []
                #n = get_pitches()
                for i in range(0, pitches):
                started = False

            # Read the voice data 1 frame at a time.
            data2 = wf.readframes(1)

            # Convert the data from byte format, into an integer value ranging from -32768 to 32768.
            v = int.from_bytes(data2, 'big')

            # NOTE:
            # If I use this line only, without dividing the value of n by 2,
            # it works fine.
            # This line takes the values of all the pitches (averaged) placed
            # in the get_pitches() function before later converting 'n' to a
            # byte value (called 'data') and then writing 'data' to the stream.
            n = (transition(n, get_pitches(), 1))

            # NOTE:
            # If I use this line only, without dividing the value of n by 2,
            # it works fine.
            # This line will play a .wav file called 'sound\hello.wav' before
            # later converting n to a byte value (called data) and writing
            # data to the stream.
            n = v

            # NOTE:
            # If I use this line only, dividing the value of n by 2, it
            # works fine.
            # This line takes the values of all the pitches (averaged) in
            # the get_pitches() function ... and will 'halve' the volume
            # (as it is supposed to do since i 'half-ed' the value).
            # The value of n later gets converted to a byte value (called
            # 'data') and gets written to the stream.
            n = (transition(n, get_pitches(), 1)) / 2

            # NOTE:
            # ***problem***: if I use this line only, and dividing the value
            # of n by 2, this produces unwanted white noise instead of
            # 'halving' the volume, even though i divided the value
            # of n by 2.
            # This line should play a .wav file called 'sound\hello.wav'
            # before later converting n to a byte value (called data)
            # and writing data to the stream.
            n = int(v / 2)

            # Convert the value of 'n' into bytes.
            data = int(n).to_bytes(2, 'big')

            #wf.setpos(int((time.time() - start) % wf.getsampwidth()))
            #print (int(time.time() % wf.getsampwidth()))

            # Writing data to stream makes the sound.

            # Write voice to voice stream.

            # Increment position so that the 'n' result (from getPitches)
            # produces a sine-wave.
            for i in range (0, len(position)):
                position[i] += 1

                # Limit each position to 1000 chunks to prevent popping.
                if count % 1000 == 0:
                    position[i] = 0

            count += 1
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    # In the case the while loop breaks.


标签: pythonpyaudio


我发现了问题...我使用了一个名为“top.wav”的 .wav 文件,该文件具有 wav 可以包含的最大可能正值的 1 秒,以及另一个名为“bottom.wav”的 .wav 文件,该文件具有最大可能负值的 1 秒(查看这 2 个 .wav 文件生成的值,以便我可以完全理解“字节系统”的工作原理)。

我没有将“数据”的字节值转换为整数(使用 int.from_bytes()),而是发现了一个名为 struct.unpack() 的函数,该函数获取字节数据,并将其以正确的方式转换为具有值(<整数数据值>,0)




fmt = "<" + "h"
if data != b'' and data != b'\x00\x00\x00\x00':
    decoded = struct.unpack(fmt, data)
if data == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00':
    decoded = (0, )

然后,我注意到该值被“加扰”到任何“范围”从 0 到 128 的地方都需要转换为 128 -(值 - 1),而范围从 129 到 256 的任何东西都需要转换为( 256 - (value - 128)) - 1 ...所以我不得不编写一个名为“反转值”的函数...

#This function makes values 0 to 128, 128 to 0 and values 129 to 256, 256 to 129.
def invert_values(n):
    if n < 128:
        n = 128 - (n - 1)
    if 128 <= n < 256:
        n = (256 - (n - 128)) - 1
    return n



n = invert_values(n)

在将 n 转换回字节值之前,我的 wav 可以正常播放。当我除以 2 时,我的音量“减半”。
