首页 > 解决方案 > 在 R 中合并 2 while 语句


我有两个单独while的语句,但是相互依赖我需要合并它们。根据this stackoverflow answer这应该很简单。但是,我尝试过的没有奏效。



# List of data.frame names
loadedDataframes <- names(which(unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv,is.data.frame))))

# ask user to enter a ticker
ticker <- toupper(dlgInput(paste("Enter a ticker (these are already loaded:", toString(stripExtension), ")"), "e.g., AAPL")$res)

# check if ticker already loaded as ```data.frame```
existsTicker <- exists(ticker)

# while loop until a not loaded data.frame ticker is typed
while (existsTicker == TRUE){

  # Ask ticker again
  ticker <- toupper(dlgInput(paste("Please enter a ticker that has not yet been loaded:", toString(stripExtension), ")"), "e.g., AAPL")$res)
  # Check if ticker exists and load value in existsTicker
  existsTicker <- exists(ticker)

# get some stock prices from default service
yahooSymbol <- getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, env = globalenv())

# Close an open internet connection
# If getSymbols.yahoo has an unknown ticker, it leaves connection to Yahoo! open

# Check if yahooSymbol returned a character(0) and if true
# ask for an existing ticker at Yahoo! Finance
while (identical(yahooSymbol, character(0)) == TRUE) {

  # Ask for an existing ticker at Yahoo! Finance
  ticker <- toupper(dlgInput(paste("Please enter an existing ticker at Yahoo! Finance, except: ", toString(loadedDataframes), ")"))$res)
  # Check if ticker exists and load value in existsTicker
  yahooSymbol <- getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, env = globalenv())

while以下是根据提到的 stakoverflow 帖子的两个条件的初步合并。但是,无论符号(无论是否存在),代码似乎都没有“反应”(因为没有更好的术语):

# Merge two conditions into one while loop
while (existsTicker == TRUE && identical(yahooSymbol, character(0)) == TRUE) {
  # Ask ticker again
  ticker <- toupper(dlgInput(paste("Please enter a ticker that has not yet been loaded:", toString(stripExtension), ")"), "e.g., AAPL")$res)
  # Check if ticker exists and load value in existsTicker
  existsTicker <- exists(ticker)
  # Check if ticker exists and load value in existsTicker
  yahooSymbol <- getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, env = globalenv())



标签: rwhile-loop




取而代之的是,此代码在执行后评估每个部分:首先是用户输入以查看他们是否提供了已被读取的代码,然后是来自 Yahoo 的响应以查看它是否有效。

# load packages

# start a loop; we'll find out if we need to exit based on user feedback
while (TRUE) {
  # get a potential ticker value from the user
  ticker <- toupper(dlgInput("Please enter a ticker that has not yet been loaded:")$res)
  # if this value already exists in global environment, immediately go back to
  # the beginning of the loop
  if (exists(ticker)) next
  # check Yahoo to see if the ticker is valid and if so get the results
  yahooSymbol <- getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, env = globalenv())
  # if yahoo returned a response, exit the loop
  if (!identical(yahooSymbol, character(0))) break
